Personnel Committee
Logan County Board Room, Courthouse
September 9, 2013
Present: Jan
Schumacher; Chuck Ruben; Bob Farmer; Bret Aukamp; Mary Kelley; Nina
Huddlestun; Vicki Dugan
Absent: None
Jonathan Wright
Mrs. Schumacher
called the meeting to order at 11:15 am.
A motion was
made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Ms. Huddlestun to approve the minutes
from July 8, 2013 as printed. Motion passed.
Old Business:
1. Fraud/whistleblower policy: The committee discussed the
draft fraud/whistleblower policy in detail. Mr. Wright suggested
multiple revisions to the proposed fraud/whistleblower policy
for Logan County. Mrs. Schumacher will update the policy with
the proposed revisions and provide it to the committee for
review at the next meeting.
2. PTO: The committee previously considered this idea. This
will be deferred to allow time to request feedback from
department heads.
3. Exempt/Non-exempt: The committee discussed defining this as
it relates to the Fair Labor Standards Act. The policy states
that the County will be in compliance with the Act.
4. HIPAA privacy
guidelines: No discussion took place on this item.