Road and Bridge
Logan County Safety Complex
October 7, 2013
Present: Bill
Martin; Andy Meister; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben
Absent: Bob
Farmer; Rick Aylesworth
Guests: Curt
Fox; Bret Aukamp
Mr. Martin called
the meeting to order at 7:32 pm.
The list of claims
for payments was reviewed. A motion was made by Mr.
Aylesworth, seconded by Mr. Ruben to approve the list of claims for
payment. Motion passed.

Monthly report on
current maintenance and construction: Mr. Aukamp reported sealcoat
machinery is parked and the project appears to be complete. Patching
and sign repairs have been done. The Waynesville bridge was also
repaired. Excavating along Primm Road has been done to address
drainage concerns. Culvert extension was also done on Nicholson Road
in the Epperson area. Mowing roadsides started last week. All County
shoulders will be done before this project is complete. There is no
construction ongoing right now. Review of plans continues for high
speed rail improvements. Stickers have been ordered for the new
seasonal weight limits. Kris has been working with IDOT on getting
some older projects finalized. Consultant selection is beginning for
the Salt Creek bridge project. More information will be forthcoming.
Mr. Aukamp will be out of the office on Thursday and Friday
attending the Fall Engineer's Conference.
Old Business:
1) 5th Street Road: Mr. Aukamp reported four more parcels
right-of-way acquisitions were obtained this month. There are six
remaining to complete.
2) FY 2013-2014 Budget: From this committee's request, the Highway
Department will be receiving $50,000 in additional funding. This is
still a deficit budget and could completely eliminate the existing
fund balance in short order. Staffing changes may be considered to
address the deficit. The lack of funding makes it difficult to
complete all of the necessary projects. The committee discussed
possible ways to address the deficit and prioritize work.