Of course you know there is no such thing as "free stuff" in this
world. Everything costs something; some things more than others.
Those people who think they are getting "free stuff" from the
government, or the rich, are dealing with the devil himself. It costs them their dignity, their freedom, their standard of
living. A poor quality of life is their only payment. They belong to
a taskmaster, the government, who is using them to keep them in
poverty and suppressing them from achieving the American dream. They
will never have what they dream of, and they will never be able to
escape as long as they keep voting for those taskmasters who are
using them.
You and I know it, but that is something else it costs them: They
have no knowledge how miserable the government politicians are
making their lives, the lives of their family and their children,
who will eventually be generational poverty.
Nothing is free!
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