The members of the
Logan County Board convened in adjourned session on the above date
in the first floor Courtroom. Chairman Robert Farmer called the
meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The pledge of the Allegiance to the
American Flag was led by Mr. Aylesworth.
Members Present:
Andy Anderson; Rick Aylesworth; Kevin Bateman; Terry Carlton; Bob
Farmer; David Hepler; Bill Martin; Andrew Meister; Pat O'Neill; Gene
Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben
Absent: Jan
Guests: Brenda
Jones; Deanna Hays, Shawn Hays, Mary Kelley; Teresa Durchholz;
Jessica Lema; Derek Hurley; Sheriff Steve Nichols; Bret Aukamp;
Kelly Elias
A motion was
made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to accept and place
on file the minutes from the Adjourned Board meeting of November 19,
2013. Motion passed.
A motion was
made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mr. Carlton, to approve LO 13-14 07
– Recognition of Brenda Sue Jones on her retirement. Motion passed.
Ms. Kelly Elias
addressed the Board with concerns about the condition of the Elkhart
blacktop after the recent winter weather and the safety of children
and others traveling this road. Mr. Aukamp described the current
procedure for snow removal and the application of salt or cinders.
The Board thanked Ms. Elias for bringing forward her concerns and
indicated this would be reviewed further by the Road and Bridge
committee at its January meeting.

Reports for the
month of November, 2013 were read by Clerk Sally Litterly as follows:
Sheriff's report of
fees collected: $2,032.82
Sheriff's report of
expenses: $59.50
Clerk of the
Circuit Courts' report: Collections due to County General Fund:
$58,638.24 Collection of funds due to others: $49,901.17 Child
Support: $40,661.50
County Clerk &
Recorders fees collected: $21,609.75
Logan County
Treasurer's Cash Statement: November Revenue: $976,165.33 November
Expenses: ($936,346.82) November Balance: $2,240,874.55
Hotel/Motel Tax at
4.25%: $8025.19 Special Use Hotel/Motel Tax .75%: $1,416.22
A motion was
made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to accept and place these
reports on file as read. Motion passed.
Chairman of
Committees reported the following:
Nothing to report.
Animal Control:
Nothing to report.
Building & Grounds:
A motion was made by Mr. Carlton, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to
accept the proposal from Viscon, Inc. to purchase parts for wiring
for the phone system for $10,449.65. Roll call vote taken 9 yes 2 no
Motion passed. A motion was made by Mr. Carlton, seconded by
Mr. Bateman, to accept the proposal from Viscon, Inc. for
termination and labeling and raceway and wall installation of wiring
for phone system for $8,095.00. Roll call vote taken 9 yes 2 no
Motion passed. A motion was made by Mr. Carlton, seconded by
Bateman, to begin
wiring work by maintenance, free labor, or other sources to be
determined, with the supervision of Viscon, Inc. If none of the
above are available, Viscon as a last resort will perform the wiring
duties at a cost not to exceed $10,000.00. Roll call vote taken 9
yes 2 no Motion passed. Nothing further to report.
Finance: A
motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to approve
the contract for juvenile bed space. Roll call vote taken 11 yes 0
no Motion passed. A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by
Mr. Aylesworth, to approve the CliftonLarsonAllen budget engagement
letter. Roll call vote taken 11 yes 0 no Motion passed. A motion
was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Carlton, to retain Menard
Consulting, Inc. for the GASB 45 actuarial valuation services. Roll
call vote taken 11 yes 0 no Motion passed. A motion was made
by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to approve LO 13-14 08 –
Amending vote for GIS Fund effective 2/1/14. Roll call vote taken 11
yes 0 no Motion passed. A motion was made by Mr. Ruben,
seconded by Mr. Carlton, to offer up 9.76 acres of farm land for
public auction. Roll call vote taken 1 yes 10 no Motion failed.
Nothing further to report.