And the winner is......
Brandon Davis of Lincoln!

 Congratulations Brandon!


As we've already told you, we have a winner for this year's Read and Win contest. Brandon Davis of Lincoln dropped by the offices of LDN this morning to collect his check for $500 from our director of advertising, Karen Hargis.

Davis is quite excited about being the winner of the contest, and says he plans to put some of the money in his savings, and also use part of it to help make his car payment.

LDN wishes to thank all the local sponsors who made this contest possible.

We hope that if you entered the contest, you enjoyed playing. While there could only be one winner, it may be you next time.

Moreover, we want to encourage all our readers to ‘Shop Locally’ whenever possible.

Photo by Lisa Whitson  (Click on image for larger version.) 

This Week's Top Stories

and the winner is

 Brandon Davis of Lincoln.  Congratulations Brandon!


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[click on cartoon for larger image]







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