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Chamber Launches 7th Leadership Academy

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[July 18, 2014]  LINCOLN - The Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce will launch its seventh session of the Logan County Leadership Academy.

This eleven-week program is designed to build leaders in the workplace and the community. Skilled leaders are a valuable commodity. The Chamber is committed to expanding our leadership talent pool to help our local business. This home-grown leadership development practice is good for industry, it’s good for government, and it’s good for social services and civic groups.

Since the Academy’s inception it has propelled the best and brightest stars in the local workforce to an even higher level of success and encouraged many of these fine individuals to take on volunteer leadership roles in our communities around Logan County. The vision, knowledge, and connections that students gain can often open the door to greater opportunities at work, at home, and in the community.

The four-hour class every Friday will include civic topics and leadership components. Students learn about the Logan County communities, the history, government structures, educational opportunities, healthcare and housing resources, and community organizations. Leadership training will include: Leadership for All Situations, Strategic Planning, Communications, Effective Meetings, and Change Management.

Dr. Don Green will be our instructor for all leadership courses. Dr. Green is the Transitional President at Lincoln Christian University, one of LCU’s highest rated professors, he teaches many of the core leadership courses in the Seminary and the Hargrove School of Adult & Graduate Studies. Local community leaders will join in to conduct the civic portion of the training.

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The Academy has created a conduit for ‘enlighten leaders’ to help meet the demands of local businesses and the community.

The Leadership Academy has limited seats available and is currently accepting applications for candidates. For more information about the Chamber Leadership Academy please contact the Chamber of Commerce at 217-735-2385 or go to www.lincolnillinois.com

The Leadership Academy directly reflects the mission of the Chamber to advocate, support & unify local businesses for the prosperity of Logan County.


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