For eleven seasons, from 1982 to 1993, “Cheers” was
one of the highest-rated shows on television. For
ten seasons, from 1994 to 2004, “Friends” became one
of the most watched shows on television. What
accounts for this popularity? Inspired writing,
well-drawn characters, talented
actors—these all played a part. But I think there’s
something more. I think that shows like “Cheers” or
“Friends” tap into a deep human longing for
community. They all show us people who care about
each other, who accept one another in spite of their
many frailties, people who share an emotional bond,
who are committed to one
[“Cheers” theme song] “Making your way in the world
today takes everything you’ve got. Taking a break
from all your worries sure would help a lot.
Wouldn’t you like to get away? Sometimes you want to
go where everybody knows your name, and they’re
always glad you came. You want to be where you can
see, our troubles are all the same. You want to be
where everybody knows your
name. You want to go where people know, people are
all the same. You want to go where everybody knows
your name.”
[“Friends” theme song] “I’ll be there for you (when
the rain starts to pour). I’ll be there for you
(like I’ve been there before). I’ll be there for you
(’Cause you’re there for me, too).”
Isn’t that what we all want? People who care about
us? People who are glad when we show up? People who
will support us and stand by us? People who will
accept us instead of criticizing and judging us?
People we can just be ourselves around? I want that.
I need that. And so do
you. We all do.
There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is that
“Cheers,” and “Friends,” and all the other TV
versions of community, are pretend. They exist only
on a Hollywood sound stage. People love those shows.
They tune in every week by the millions because they
desperately want to be
a part of that kind of community. They see something
in those characters’ relationships with one another
that they want. But it’s not real. The good news is
that it can be real. The good news is that there is
a place where that kind of community can and does
exist. And that place is the church. Or at least it
should be.
"Why Can’t the Church Be More Like ‘Cheers’?” I love
community. I always have. One of the reasons I’m in
the church is that I love being with people. It
thrills me when I see Lincoln Christian Church
enjoying community. I think Jesus wanted that for
us. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As
I have loved you, so you must love one another. By
this all men will know that you are My disciples, if
you love one another." -
John 13:34-35 (NIV)
The purpose of the church is not to produce
impressive buildings, or well-reasoned theological
statements, or inspiring music, or well-run mission
organizations. The purpose
of the church is to produce people who love God
and who love one another. If we are that kind of a
church, the angels will rejoice and the world will
beat a path to our door. It is the basics of church
ministry. There’s a great story that dates back to
the early sixties when Vince Lombardi took over the
reins of the Green Bay Packers. The Packer franchise
was struggling—the team had been losing for almost
ten straight years. They were on the bottom of the
league standings, and morale
was sagging.

In comes Vince Lombardi, a new coach. He had been
given the challenge of turning the franchise around
and he was excited to get started. He began a series
of practices, training, motivating, and doing all he
could to inspire his players. At one point during a
practice he got frustrated
with the players and blew his whistle and said,
“Everyone stop and gather round. This isn’t working.
Either I’m not training you right or you’re just not
getting it. In either case, what we’re doing is not
working.” Then he knelt
down, picked up the pigskin, and said, “Let’s start
at the beginning. This, gentlemen, is a football.”
One guy said, “Slow down, Coach, you’re losing me.”
But Lombardi persisted with his course of action,
saying, “This is a football, and these are yard
makers, and that’s the goal post, and I’m the coach,
and you all are the players.” He went on in the most
elementary of ways to explain the basics of
History tells us that from that point on, the whole
direction of the Green Bay Packers turned around.
Everyone knows that once and a while we all need to
go back to the basics.
Community is one of the basics! It’s the way God
purposely wired us together. If the church is ever
to achieve community, if it’s ever to reach it’s
full potential, then people must come together. It
is for all these reasons and more that we must
rediscover God’s design for the church...God’s
design for us. He has wired us together and
has called us, “The Church.”
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for man to
be alone…” (Genesis 2:18)
[Ron Otto, Preaching minister
Lincoln Christian Church]