Officially, Americans are being told the children's arrival to American
borders are a result of high crime, violence, poverty and parents already in
America who fled months or years ago from Honduras, Guatemala and El
Salvador. This is the version of the Administration's reasons for the great
influx of children arriving alone in the past few days and weeks. In a rush
to find protection for the children they are being transported to military
bases in Texas and other facilities in Arizona. Deportation is not only
slow, but impeded by the President's policy of non-deportation of young
"An urgent humanitarian solution," is needed according to the President. The
children are being given food, water and shelter by the government. The
conditions of the shelter are poor at best, very overcrowded with very
little supervision. There are reports that many of the children have
suffered abuse in these make-shift shelter situations. The processing of
deportation has been slowed by the increased surge of child immigrants in
the past few days; officials have said the number has increased, "very
dramatically" and have caused delays in processing.

All of this is happening during a time in our own government where the
politicians are fighting about the "immigration reform" issue. The "reform"
from some means amnesty over time for as many as eleven million illegal
immigrants who are already in the United States. "Reform" from others means
tweaking the current laws, sealing off the borders and establishing
progressive rules that lead toward citizenship and assimilation into
America. The political upheaval that rages in our Administration and our
Congress will likely continue for at least the duration of the current
election cycle. Depending on who gains control in November, we could see
some significant changes in the immigration laws as early as the "lame-duck"
session after the election this year with those who lost voting their
conscience which may be against party lines because they do not face another
election cycle.
In the meantime, put yourself in the shoes of the any of the individual
children who are making the trek from their home to what they may consider a
safe-haven home. Think of your own experience as you grew up in your home
town, cared for by your parents, attending school with your friends, perhaps
going to church, parks, movies and eating out. Recall your memories from
your own childhood and then compare them with the forming memories of each
of those children who are separated from their families, dangerously
trekking across a continent not knowing the next minute whether you are
going to be abused, raped or even murdered. Each one of these children have
a short history in a personal, young life that has dealt a cursing blow of
life. Yes, some may have mischief on their mind, wanting to strike back at a
world that has caused them hardship. But mostly, they are simply looking for
a place to be secure; safe from harm, safe from hunger, safe from exposure
to the elements, safe from gangs, safe from those who would hurt them. The
numbers seem large, and yet by the comparison to the largeness of our
country and the heart of many who still believe in the foundation of "God
and Country" implanted in our own experience and up-bringing, the number of
children coming is comparably small.
[to top of second column] |
 There are statistics that are spouted from various pollsters that
cite numbers like 78 percent, or 83 percent of Americans who still
believe in the principles on which the country was founded:
Christian principles of love, nurturing, accepting, hoping for a
better future, forgiveness and mercy along with grace. Perhaps now
is the time for all good Christians to come to the aid of those
children. Perhaps the churches, Christian organizations, faith
groups, humanitarian groups, and all those individuals who want to
build a better civilization should stand and tell the government to
go and take care of the political business as they must, but those
who still believe in the mercy and grace of Christian living can
take care of the children. If this is like Katrina, mobilize, take
charge, send groups from your church, take in each individual to
love, support, help find family, socialize in Christian and American
thought and behavior. There can be no better assimilation that
Christian love in practice. Then remember the words of Jesus about
the subject at hand.
"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?
Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then,
though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will you Father in heaven give good gifts to those who
ask him!" (Matthew 7:9-11)
"And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little
ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will
certainly not lose his reward." (Matthew 10:42)
"He [Jesus] called a little child and had him stand among them. And
he said: 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like
little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest
in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like
this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these
little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to
have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the
depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause
people to sin! Such thin gs must come, but woe to the man through
whom they come?" (Matthew 18:2-7)

Let us see if in future days those majority who still consider the
United States to be a nation built on Christian principles and still
considered a Christian nation, will rise up and take charge of the
influx of young souls who have migrated to America will be received
with open Christian arms, or be relegated to the whims of the
politicians who continue to squabble over matters that are more
likely structured to help them in their re-election bid than to
provide actual humanitarian comfort.
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