Each year, the Legion accepts flags from the community and stores
them away until such a time as they can hold a “Ceremony for
disposal of unserviceable flags.”
This past Saturday, on National Flag Day, the Legion held such a
ceremony in the grass lot behind the post.
With the assistance of several local boy scouts, flags were
inspected then burned according to the rules of proper disposal.
The ceremony began with the presentation of one flag to the post
commander. The commander was asked permission to dispose of the
flag. He in turn ordered the flag to be inspected by the two
vice-commanders. The flag was then presented for inspection to the
first vice-commander, then the second commander. When both had
inspected the flag it was returned to the post commander who
authorized its disposal. The chaplain then offered a prayer for the
disposal of the flag and the bugler played “To the Colors.”
The flag was then placed on the fire pit and set aflame. When the
first flag had burned completely, Legion members along with the Boy
scouts then set about laying the rest of the flags on the fire.

The ceremony for disposal of unserviceable flags became a permanent
part of the American Legion when a resolution was passed in 1923 at
the National American Legion convention. The ritual was scripted
and each American Legion across the country follows the same
Below is the text of the ceremony:
Sergeant-at-Arms: “Comrade
Commander, we wish to present a number of unserviceable flags of our
country for inspection and disposal.”
Commander: “Comrade
Sergeant-at-Arms, advance with your detail and present the flags for
disposal and inspection.”
(Sergeant-at-arms calls his detail to
attention. They form at the post of the sergeant-at-arms, take the
flags which are to be inspected, march abreast down center until
opposite the second vice commander, turn right and halt two paces in
front of the second vice commander. The sergeant-at-arms steps one
pace forward and salutes.)
Sergeant-at-Arms: “Comrade
Vice Commander, we present these unserviceable flags for your
Second Vice Commander: “Is
the present condition of these flags the result of their usual
service as the emblem of our country?”
Sergeant-at-Arms: “These
flags have become faded and worn over the graves of our departed
comrades and the soldier, marine, sailor, and airman dead of all our
nation’s wars.”
Second Vice Commander:
“Present these flags to the first vice commander for his
inspection.” (The sergeant-at-arms salutes, about-faces, commands
the detail), “About face,” (crosses behind the detail and takes his
post at its left, commands) “Forward march.” (The detail marches to
within two paces of the first vice commander, halts and proceeds as
Sergeant-at-Arms: “Comrade
Vice Commander, we present these flags which have been inspected by
the second vice commander, for your further inspection.”
First Vice Commander: “Have
any of these flags served any other purpose?”
Sergeant-at-Arms: “Some of
these flags have been displayed in various public places.” First
Vice Commander: “Present them to the commander for final inspection
and fitting disposal.”
(The sergeant-at-arms salutes, about faces,
commands the detail), “About face,” (crosses behind the detail and
takes position on its left commands), “Forward march.” (The detail
marches to center, turns left, halts within two paces of the
commander, sergeant-at-arms steps one pace forward and salutes.)
[to top of second column] |

Sergeant-at-Arms: “Comrade
Commander, we have the honor to present for final inspection and
proper disposal these flags of our country.”
Commander: “Have these flags
been inspected by the first and second vice commanders?”
Sergeant-at-Arms: “They
Commander: “Comrade Second
Vice Commander, what does your inspection show and what do you
Second Vice Commander:
“Comrade Commander, since these flags have become unserviceable in a
worthy cause, I recommend that they be honorably retired from
further service.”
Commander: “Comrade First
Vice Commander, what does your inspection show and what do you
First Vice-Commander:
“Comrade Commander, since these flags have become faded and worn in
a tribute of service and love, I also recommend that they be
fittingly destroyed.”
Commander: “Comrades, we have
presented here these flags of our country which have been inspected
and condemned as unserviceable. They have reached their present
state in a proper service of tribute, memory and love.
“A flag may be a flimsy bit of printed gauze,
or a beautiful banner of finest silk. Its intrinsic value may be
trifling or great; but its real value is beyond price, for it is a
precious symbol of all that we and our comrades have worked for and
lived for, and died for a free nation of free men, true to the faith
of the past, devoted to the ideals and practice of justice, freedom
and democracy.
“Let these faded flags of our country be
retired and destroyed with respectful and honorable rites and their
places be taken by bright new flags of the same size and kind, and
let no grave of our soldier or sailor dead be unhonored and
unmarked. Sergeant-at-Arms, assemble the Color Guard, escort the
detail bearing the flags and destroy these flags by burning. The
members shall stand at attention.”
(Color guard forms. The detail about-faces.
Preceded by the color guard, the detail marches down center to the
fire. National colors cross over and take position on the right of
the fire, facing the commander. Post standard takes position on left
of fire. The detail lines up behind the fire, which is burning low.)

Commander: “The chaplain will
offer prayer.”
Chaplain: “Almighty God,
Captain of all hosts and Commander over all, bless and consecrate
this present hour.
“We thank Thee for our country and its flag,
and for the liberty for which it stands. “To clean and purging flame
we commit these flags, worn out in worthy service. As they yield
their substance to the fire, may Thy holy light spread over us and
bring to our hearts renewed devotion to God and Country. Amen.”
Commander: “Hand salute.”
(Color guards present arms. Post standard is
dipped. All officers and members except those on the flag detail
salute. Members of the flag detail dip the condemned flags in
kerosene and place them on a rack over the fire).
(Bugler sounds “To the Colors.”)
[By NILA SMITH with text taken from