Read the first sentence again.
To show great love for God and our neighbor, we need
not do great things.
Take a deep breath.
Hold it for 5 seconds.
Now, exhale.
Breathe in those words.
To show great love for God and our neighbor, we need
not do great things.
What is expected of us isn’t ‘greatness.’
No, what God wants from us is to love.
Simple love.
In 1 John the author encourages the community he is
writing to do one thing to overcome the conflict
they were experiencing:
“Beloved, let us love one another, because love is
from God; everyone who loves is born of God and
knows God… Beloved, since God loved us so much, we
also ought to love one another.”
This letter repeatedly points to Jesus our example
in the way of love, but it doesn’t stop there. The
community is called to make God’s love tangible to
those around them. This love is generous and
self-giving, considerate of the other, creating
The author lists no other qualifications, save that
we love as God loves.
Nothing else.
It is how much love we put in the doing that makes
our offering something beautiful for God.

order to put this love into action, we may first need to let go of
the fear we have in our hearts. Trusting in the assurance and
promise that God works with us to bring our love to wholeness.
Fear of the other.
Let go of it—let your neighbors reveal something about this
transformative love.
Fear of ourselves.
Let go of it—taste the wonder of this liberating love, that knows us
by name.
Fear of the unknown.
Let go of it—discover the love of God in new and unexpected places.
At times we need to remember that we love because God first loved
us. That all we need is what we already have. And what we already
have is the love of Christ that dwells within.
We need nothing else
other than
Simple Love.
May this prayer become yours this day:
O God, before the noonday comes, we are already feeling as though
our lives are not full enough. Instill in us this morning the
assurance that you are enough for us, Lover of our Souls. Your love,
your call, your work, is enough. Amen.
[Pastor Adam Quine, First Presbyterian Church, Lincoln] |