Evelyn J. Krallmann
[March 03, 2014]
Evelyn J. Krallmann, 100, died Tuesday evening, Feb. 25, 2014, at
Evenglow Inn, Pontiac .
(The obituary below was provided by the funeral
Evelyn J. Krallmann, 100, died Tuesday evening, Feb.
25, 2014, at Evenglow Inn, Pontiac .
Funeral service will be Saturday, March 1, at 10:30
a.m. at the Dwight Emmanuel Lutheran Church with
Rev. Daniel Ognoskie officiating. Visitation will be
one hour prior to the service. Burial will follow at
Goodfarm Cemetery, Dwight.
She was born Dec. 4, 1913, in Alton , to Edward D.
and Louise (Salzmann) Johnson. She married Alvin C.
Krallmann on July 19, 1951, in Greenville , Ill.
She is survived by two children, Mary Krallmann of
Lincoln and John Krallmann of Warrenville.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her
brother, Edward G. Johnson; and her husband, who
died March 24, 1988.
She graduated from Alton High School .
For more than 20 years she was employed in the
accounting department of Owens-Illinois Glass
Company in Alton
Her husband was a Lutheran teacher and pastor, and
over the years they lived in Nebraska , Iowa and
Illinois , where he served various congregations.
She helped with office work, school programs and
visiting related to her husband’s work. She also
served as an organist.
She was a volunteer Braille transcriber preparing
books for the Lutheran Library for the Blind, St.
Louis . After her husband’s death at rural Goodfarm,
she moved to Dwight, where she volunteered at the
public library and a thrift shop. She moved to
Evenglow in October 2005.
She was a member of Emmanuel Lutheran Church in
Dwight and of the church’s Project Compassion group,
the Mary & Martha Society and a TLC group.
