All A's in Art:
Tosha Boyer
Jaden Elliott
Art Student of the Year:
Jaden Elliott
All A's in Math:
Corey Beccue
Tosha Boyer
Faith Doerr
Bayley Holmes
Seth Huff
Olivia Letterle
Riley Markee
Jordan Sanchez
Jade Stewart
Peyton Taylor
Math Students of the Year:
Corey Beccue
Jordan Sanchez
All A's in Reading:
Corey Beccue
Ashley Berry
Faith Doerr
Emily Fielden
Bayley Holmes
Olivia Letterle
Emma Schoth
Peyton Taylor
Reading Award:
Bayley Holmes
Haley Vandevender
All A's in Language Arts:
Corey Beccue
Faith Doerr
Bayley Holmes
Olivia Letterle
Emma Schoth
Peyton Taylor
Writing Award:
Emily Fielden
All A's in Science:
Faith Doerr
Bayley Holmes
Emma Schoth
Peyton Taylor
Science Student of the Year:
Peyton Taylor
Science Fair Winners
3rd place: Faith Doerr
2nd place: Jordan Sanchez and Seth Huff
1st place (tie): Emily Fielden and Shay Inselmann, Emma
Schoth and Abbey Phillips
All A's in Social Studies:
Corey Beccue
Faith Doerr
Bayley Holmes
Olivia Letterle
Jordan Sanchez
Emma Schoth
Peyton Taylor
Emily Wakeman