Saturday, November 1, 2014 10:00 a.m.
Logan County Fairgrounds, Lincoln, IL
Tom Rock will sell the
following plumbing supplies and equipment:
RIGID 300 power threader/cutter/reamer; REMS
portable electric pipe threading tool ½- 2; Bosch
hammer drill w/1/2 & 1 bits; (2) pipe vise tripods;
several other pipe vises; lead melting pot; 4 pipe
wrench; nice refrigerator cart; 30 & 50 H/D cords;
full lengths of black, galvanized and plastic pipe;
copper pipe; lots of galvanized and black pipe fittings;
brass fittings; compression fittings; copper sweat
fittings; unions; faucets; drains; tape; CPVC & PVC
fittings; brass valves; cast iron drain parts; rough
service bulbs; water heater elements; thermal couples;
pipe insulation; hose clamps; angle stop valves; pipe
repair kits; basement drain stoppers;
(2) large wooden pipe fitting bins; 2 drawer file
cabinet; single axle snow mobile trailer; wash tubs;
The family of Eileen White will sell the
very nice modern oak, single pedestal, dining room table
w/2 leaves and 6 chairs;(3) full beds; several chest &
dresser sets; kitchen dinette w/4 chairs; nice floral
sofa; round patio table; maple rocker; linens & bedding;
occasional chair;
(3) TVS w/remotes; several nice table lamps; table
fans; George Foreman grill;
MISCELLANEOUS: sm. aluminum extension
ladder; wood step ladder; exercise bike; VHS tapes;
Pyrex; pots & pans; misc. serving bowls; Tupperware; sm
B B Q grill; old sheet music; misc. hand tools; Xmas
items; 1949 World Atlas;
Joe Jones will sell the following:
Nice floral sofa; recliners; wood chest; several nice
chairs; full bed; dresser; several items of personal
Maske Auction Service
119 S. Lafayette
Mt. Pulaski, IL 62748
(217) 519-3959
Cash or good negotiable check payable on the day of the
Auction. Registration video taped and a valid photo ID
is required to obtain a buyers number. Buyers must show
provided number for each and every purchase.
Announcements sale day take precedence over printed
material. Not responsible for accidents or property
after sold. All purchased items must be removed from the
sale site on the day of the auction.
See color pictures
www.maskeauction.com or
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