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 Any opinions expressed are those of the writers. of deceit

By Jim Killebrew

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[November 14, 2014]  What an amazing turn of events we have seen in the past few days. This fellow Jonathan Gruber, one of the major architects of the Obamacare insurance debacle, has really made a mess of things for the President and the complicit democrats who were responsible for the Affordable Care Act. He has spoken publically from his elitist position as a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor and consultant on the development of the President's premier Presidential accomplishment, but managed to step on his tongue as he talked. At least he would have the American people believe he just "misspoke" when he called the American people "stupid." The fact is, however, the media have found at least four instances in four different speeches and panel participation where Mr. Gruber has intentionally called the American people "stupid."

Think of it, for Mr. Gruber to make those statements about his belief of the typical American being "stupid" means that in 2009 and 2010 when Obamacare was being crafted together into a bill that could be sent on to the President to sign into law, there were discussions about the content of the future law, the implications the law would have on the American people, and what information contained in the law had to be hidden from the people so they would not reject it before it had a chance to be voted on by the democrats in Congress. There was a conscience, intentional decision to lay the groundwork to deceive the Congressional Office of Management and Budget (COMB) and reject any attempt to be transparent with the proceedings. The reason: if the American people knew in advance they would be unable to keep their current insurance policies, be unable to keep the doctor they had, be expected to pay higher premiums for insurance they didn't need, be paying significantly higher deductibles, and the infusion of mandates to collect very high taxes to pay for the uninsured, they would have rejected the bill. According to Mr. Gruber, that was the very reason why those like him and other who were crafting the bill had to keep all of the elements of the bill hidden from public view. That, however, is a climate for deception and lies on which the entire bill was built. That lack of transparency paradoxically has uncovered the Administration's pattern of establishing an environment of deceit for everything they do in their governance tactics.

The next big thing the President has touted is the immigration Executive Order he has threatened to impose "if Congress fails to act." Knowing what we know now regarding how the President and his Administration works in crafting each plan or policy, we can expect a foundation of lies, deceit, miscommunication, and misrepresentation as the President and the complicit key figures in his Administration move forward in their quest to manipulate the "stupid" American voters and the oversight committees in Congress.

[to top of second column]

It is now axiomatic throughout America that a foundation of misinformation, deceit, and lies will be the tool in all efforts espoused by the Administration. That environment of deceit has to start somewhere, and the top of the Administration is the most likely place. After all, if that was something that would have had its origin with underlings, there would be no doubt the President and his top advisors would have surely rooted out the people involved and summarily purged them from the Administration. The fact that those people who have been the closest to the scandals have not been fired, but in some cases protected by the President's pen with Executive Privilege, or have been promoted to different jobs in the Administration.

Therefore, on the issue of the President using his pen and phone to ramp up the "comprehensive" immigration Executive Order to defy the immigration laws already on the books, it will be rammed down America's throat in a unilateral fashion. At the same time with the President, all his top cabinet members, all the complicit democrats in Congress, including the lame-duck members, all of the liberal media, and all the talking points singing his song of lies, innuendo, half-truths, high-sounding verbiage of humanitarian aid to those who are "living in the shadows" after having broken the law by entering the United States illegally, will be in lock-step with their already established environment of deceit.

In the future listen closely for the next Jonathan Gruber type central developer of the immigration plan the President will push through on the American people, perhaps again on Christmas Eve, as he circumvents Congress, defies and defiles the Constitution, with an announcement that in effect will tell the truth of those days of the development of the Executive Order. That may be something like the environment of deceit insisting the real reason for the Presidential immigration plan to legalize four to five million illegal immigrants was really to increase voters for the decimated democrat party after the 2014 routing of the President. The one thing they will forget...again, will be the reality that the American voter is not really "stupid" as they think they are!


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