Present: Kevin Bateman; Bob Farmer; Chuck Ruben; Jan
Schumacher; Andy Meister
Absent: Emily Davenport
Guests: Todd Donaldson
Mr. Bateman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to
approve the minutes from the July 1, 2014 meeting. Motion passed.
Old Business
Safety Complex HVAC and Roof project: Mr. Bateman reported
Henson Robinson Company plans to start working on the broken unit on
Thursday at the Safety Complex.
Benches at Scully Park: Mr. Bateman reported Corrects
department has been on locked down for a few weeks. He plans to get
a hold of Illinois Department of Corrections to see how the process
is coming along with the benches. Mr. Bateman hopes to have a quote
from Illinois Department of Correction in the near future. Mrs.
Schumacher would like the graffiti removed from the playground at
Scully Park before Balloon Fest.
County Website: Mr. Bateman reported County website is at a
standstill as of right now.
Audio Recording: Mr. Bateman reported he asked Mr. Doolin a
month ago to move forward with placing audio recording online, Mr.
Bateman will check the status on this item.
New Business
Opening of Courthouse elevator bids: Mr. Donaldson went over
his bid that he submitted. Mr. Donaldson explained to the committee
that we need to bring the elevator maintenance room up to code. The
bid Mr. Donaldson submitted did not include the cost to update the
maintenance room. Mr. Bateman will need to contract an inspector to
update the elevator maintenance room. The elevator repairs will take
up to 8 weeks. A motion was made by Mr. Meister, seconded by Mrs.
Schumacher, to accept bid from KONE Elevator upon feasibility from
the inspector. Motion passed. A motion was made by Mr. Ruben,
seconded by Mr. Farmer, to expend up to $19,999 on constructing a
fireproof structure for the elevator we need with the Building and
Grounds Chairmen obtaining 3 bids and picking the best one. Motion
[to top of second column] |
Lighting Project: The committee would like to hold off on
putting new lights up at the Safety Complex and move forward with
new lights at the parks. A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher,
seconded by Mr. Ruben, to scrap $11,000 bid from Safety Complex
lighting. Motion passed. The committee decided to hold off on the
lighting project all together due to financial reasons. The
committee will revisit this item in the future.
IT agreements with Viscon: Mrs. Schumacher reported Mr. Baker
will be proving a recommendation to combine all departmental Viscon
contracts into one County contract. (end of new business)
Report from Dennis Reves: Mr. Bateman reported Dennis put up
the 175 Anniversary Banners. Mr. Bateman reported Flippers will do
mulch around the courthouse lawn and remove trees before the Balloon
Budget Review: No concerns.
Public Comments: None A motion was made by Mr. Farmer,
seconded by Mr. Meister, to approve the bills. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:03 p.m.
[Copied from Logan County website] |