Present: Bob Farmer; Rick Aylesworth; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck
Ruben; David Blankenship
Absent: Andy Meister
Guests: Bret Aukamp; Curt Fox
Mr. Aylesworth called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Ruben to approve
the minutes from the May 5, 2014 meeting as printed. Motion passed.
The list of claims for payments was reviewed. A motion was made by
Mr. Rohlfs seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve the list of claims for
payment. Motion passed. Monthly report on current maintenance and construction: Mr.
Aukamp reported crews are finally catching up on several maintenance
projects. Mr. Aukamp has a crew working in Middletown to repair
culverts. Many of the pipe culverts along the roadway have developed
separations with suckholes that extend into the shoulders. The pipe
sections were re-set and backfilled. Many of the culverts also
require grading to remove blockage, or riprap to repair erosion.
Shoulder discing was completed in mid-May. Crews have been out
patching roads. Crews are out getting the roads ready for summer
sealcoating projects and repairing the road edges where they are
breaking apart. Mr. Aukamp hired two summer interns; they started
May 19, 2014. Mr. Aukamp has his two summer interns removing debris
from deck drains on the larger bridges. They are also mowing around
guardrail areas to maintain visibility of the hazard markers and
reflectors. Crews are continuing to stockpile rock for summer
sealcoat program. Because most of the work will be on the east side
of the county, crews are stockpiling rock in Latham, Beason, and
outside Atlanta. Crews have already stocked piled near Elkhart.
Sealcoating work for the County is expected to begin late June. Mr.
Aukamp will send a press release out once he has a start date.
Construction report: There are no active construction projects at
this time. Engineering Report: Mr. Aukamp and crews are preparing
final plans for bridge replacement project in Orvil Township. Mr.
Aukamp is working with the highway commissioner to negotiate some
right-of-way for this project. As time permits, the maintenance crew
will be excavating some areas of County Highway 6 between Atlanta
and Beason, and on Primm Road near 600th Street. Mr. Aukamp is in
the process of monitor these areas to develop the best repair
strategy for each location. Mr. Aukamp is still in the process of
reviewing and monitor bridges based on the latest rounds of
inspections. Right now there are currently 8 bridges that require
special feature inspections which are done at intervals that range
from 3 months to 12 months, depending on the severity of the bridge
condition. He is also continuing to review plans for the High Speed
Rail crossing improvements. Mr. Aukamp has been working on project
development for several roadways and bridge projects that are still
several years out. Because projects take so long to get through the
design and approval process, Mr. Aukamp continues to assess all of
the projects to ensure that he can have a fairly steady pipeline of
projects ready for construction. This work also involves site visits
to assess conditions and determine the most cost effective and
timely solutions for repair. At that point, Mr., Aukamp begin to
develop cost estimates and work toward programing funds to use for
construction. Once he develops a project scope, He can begin
conversations with consultants to begin design work.
[to top of second column] |
Old Business:
Mechanic/Road Maintenance Position: Mr. Aukamp is
currently working on developing job descriptions for his union
workers. Mr. Aukamp would like to have job descriptions in
writing before contract negotiations.
Sign Upgrade Program: Mr. Aukamp reported the material
proposals have been approved and he is awaiting delivery of the
signs and posts. He was notified last week that delivery of the
steal/anchors will be delayed until August.
New Business:
Preliminary engineering for upcoming bridge projects
Primm Road over Deer Creek(SN 054-3016): this project was
selected to receive funding from the Major Bridge Program. The
project is expected to be $2.4 million and the Major Bridge
Program will cover $1.714 million. This project is expected to
take place in FY2019. Mr. Aukamp would like to begin preliminary
engineering so the bridge could be ready for construction before
FY2019 if the funding is available.
Primm Road over Salt Creek (SN 054-3047): Mr. Aukamp does
not have this project on his 5 year plan. The extent of
deterioration of the bridge beams was just noted in the bridge
inspections this spring. Rehabilitation of the bridge would be
eligible for federal BRR funds. No funding currently programmed
for this work. Mr. Aukamp would like to begin preliminary
engineering as soon as possible before other problems develop.
Mr. Aukamp plans to work with IDOT to get funding programmed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:10 pm.