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Lame duck untrustworthiness
By Jim Killebrew

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[September 08, 2014]  The lame duck session of Congress after the November election and before the swearing-in of new members may offer quite a show of political fodder. Apparently the President has decided to hold off on circumventing Congress regarding his promise to reform the United States immigration policy by "taking the matter into his own hands." His decision was to wait until after the mid-term elections of Congress since it is seen as detrimental to so many of his party's faithful who are trying to be re-elected this Fall. The President is afraid his decision to circumvent Congress on the matter would "politicize" the issue and make it more difficult in the future to reach a decision on a more comprehensive immigration reform.

The President has made no secret about his preference in putting in place a reform that would ultimately change the "illegal" status to that of "legal" status for as many as six million illegal immigrants who have crossed the U.S. border illegally, or simply have overstayed their visas by melting into the population after their visa expired. For those people, the President believes he can simply again use his "pen and phone" to trump Congressional purgatives to do with an Executive Order what Congress refuses to do with legislation. Regardless of the curtailment of the Constitution's content regarding the President's inability to usurp that task from Congress and claim it for himself, the President seems willing to once again push the envelope even further by taking action.

Of course the President's base and those advocates for immigration reform to include citizenship for those who have entered illegally are energized by the President's bold talk and possible action. Those in the democrat party see it as a further building of the base given the statistics of 70 to 80 percent of those "legalized" through his action would garner votes for the democrat party. The fact that the President has considered his actions to be political and would have an effect on the mid-term election seems evident he is thinking not for the welfare of the nation, but for the betterment of the political party to which he belongs. It seems every decision this President makes is more for political ramifications rather than for the betterment of all citizens of the country.

By taking the political route in making this decision, one has to wonder what the democrats and the President think of the intelligence of the American people in general. The larger percentage of Americans have spoken their will over and over as being against making the illegal immigrants legal with the so-called, "fast-track" to citizenship. Too many realize there has been very little vetting completed for those who have come illegally. The U.S. borders have been open for so long with this Administration refusing to enforce the crossing laws on the books, even to the extent of suing those states that try to enforce the federal laws already written, there is a fear that many of the illegal immigrants who have crossed have intentions of repeating terrorist activities similar to those of 9/11/2001. Yet the Administration insists on paving the way for reforming the immigration laws with or without the participation of Congress.

Therefore, how can the President be trusted by the people regarding an act of circumventing Congress simply by changing his mind from changing before the mid-term election to a time after the mid-term election? When the democrats in the Senate have lost their election and will be sitting as "lame ducks" to the end of their terms, what reasonably prudent person believes they will not continue to support the President's attempts to initiate a comprehensive law by the stroke of his pen through Executive Order? We have to believe on the basis of the President's past behavior that he will not hesitate to circumvent the Congress during the lame duck session while he still has the support of the majority of democrats in the Senate and the Majority Leader, Harry Reid, remains in power until the new members are sworn in. This would throw the country into a Constitutional crisis that will keep the country in turmoil for the remainder of the President's term in office. A dangerous position in which to be given the conditions around the world regarding terror and possible wars.

[to top of second column]


We have seen the behavior of the President prior to his vacation to Martha's Vineyard and the Congressional Summer break. He had asked Congress for $3.7 billion dollars simply to address the crisis of thousands of children and others coming across the border illegally. Congress responded by passing a bill in the House of Representatives prior to their adjournment, even after the Senate had already left for their break, by granting only a fraction of that amount of money to the President. Additionally, during his trip to Wales during the first week of September the President restated his intent to act unilaterally by outlining his objectives with his executive actions. Even in the Summer recess there continues to be a dispute between the President and Congress over the proper methods to handle the surge of children from the South American countries. Neither the President nor the Congress has determined how they are going to handle the crisis of border crossings of tens of thousands of children into the United States. The President continues to speak to the issue by vowing to offer illegal immigrants a pathway to become legal residents so they can pay the proper taxes, pay a fine for their illegal crossing, and learn English so they can compete for American jobs without "living in the shadows." This was exemplified in his speech when he promised, "I want to be very clear: My intention is, in the absence of ... action by Congress, I'm going to do what I can do within the legal constraints of my office, because it's the right thing to do for the country."

Regardless of what the President does by the end of the Summer as he had promised, he has stated he will do something after the election. It is difficult to understand why he would postpone his dubious actions of circumventing Congress on the matter since he knows it is absolutely the wrong thing to do because it would create dire consequences for his fellow democrats who are running hard to be re-elected. Then turn around and bring those who lost their re-election bid into an action that might very well be found illegal and beyond his executive power to do. With that kind of trust level this side of the election, what kind of trust can the citizens of America place in his actions, or the actions of his party in a lame duck session, after the election is over? My guess is, he is showing himself to be untrustworthy.


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