Many of these records are available for viewing at the Logan
County Genealogical and Historical Society including histories and
other pertinent data from churches of 17 denominations located in
Lincoln and 13 nearby communities.
The Logan County Genealogical and Historical Society holdings
include the following:
Our Times: God’s People in Logan County, 1997;
Logan County Church Histories from 1878-1879 Herald
newspapers, including Disciples of Christ; Pilgrim Chapel
Congregational Church, The Universalist Church and others;
News Article on Lincoln’s Historic Houses of Worship, 2008,
and tour brochure;
The Spirit of the Prairie…Historic Churches in Illinois
collected by the Illinois State Organization of the DAR;
News Article on Historic Churches in Logan County surveyed
and recorded by the DAR, 1968;
Lincoln Christian Church, news article on stained glass
windows; architectural drawing of new church building at Pekin and
McLean Streets; Church history beginning in 1856; news article
entitled, “Harvest of Talents, Fountain of Life,” 2003; Church
Directories from 1971, 1975, 1979, 1983, 1987, and 1994;
News article, “Beginning of Lincoln Christian Church traced to
Salt Creek Banks;” news clipping, “Lincoln Congregation tallies
$5 million in brick and mortar,” 2006;
Church photo taken on Pekin Street at present site of Lincoln Public
Library; article on Christian Homes, 2005; Ron Otto holding photo of
second church building;
News item about Abraham Lincoln practicing law at Lincoln
Christian Church; article on church 2007 launch of a project
with other churches to help disadvantaged people with home
maintenance and repair;
And Lynn Hieronymus 1973 annual B. D. Phillips Memorial
Lectureship at Lincoln Christian College brochure;
Jefferson Street Christian Church, also known as Second
Christian, history; photo church addition; and 2006 and2011
Atlanta Christian Church, news article, “Atlanta Christian
Church to Mark 150 years,” and 1986 directory;
Bethel Christian Church, news item with photos, history;
Copeland Christian Church, notice of auction, 1990; history
of Copeland Christian Church, “The Unbroken Chain, 1866-1966; copy
of Favorite Hymns Vol. 2 purchased at the auction;
Eminence Christian Church, the oldest church in Logan County
which continues to meet for worship; article celebrating its 100th
anniversary, snapshots;
History from 110th anniversary; Rededication program, 2001; souvenir
program from Quasi Centennial Service, 1963; building centennial
celebration, 1901-2001;
“A Steeple Above the Prairie, 1838-1988,” publication along
with flyer, “Reaching Out With the Love of Christ,” history
with photo; photo of 1904 quilt with church depicted on it; Granny’s
Quilt CD; and a listing of signatures of congregational members;
A listing of gravestones at Eminence Cemetery, also known as
Morgan, Gilbert, or possibly Gaddis Cemetery; A clipping on church
weathering; and articles, “A Country Church with Deep Roots,”
“New Church to be Dedicated, 1902; bulletins from 1961, 1979,
1983 and 1984; and directories from 1986, 2000, 2005 and 2013.
Mt. Pulaski Christian Church, history; photo of congregation,
1930; photo of construction of new sanctuary, 1975; write up on the
final banquet of the Lady’s Aid, 1964; write up on new parsonage,
Armington Christian Church, history; 125th anniversary write
up, 1829-1954;
First Baptist, Church membership records from 1870 to 1950;
church history; and photo of Rev. Robert Henderson and news article
and photo as he prepares to give opening prayer for Congress in
Second Baptist, History from 1874;
The Baptist collection also includes a write up on Jessie Johnson
Young, who was spotlighted in the American Baptist Church national
Park Meadows Baptist Church, formerly known as State Street
Baptist, history from 1948 to 1998; and church directory;
Latham Baptist, history from 1884-1994, and church directory;
Lake Fork Predestinarian Baptists, membership roster dating
from 1827;
Assembly of God, photo and write up on Rev. Jacob Skelton,
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Lincoln, history; photo from
early 1900’s;
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Lincoln, photo;
Holy Family Roman Catholic Church, Lincoln, history from
1857; and 1998 and 2006 directories;
The Catholic Directory of the Peoria Diocese, 1986-87 and
A Listing of Sisters of Charity, BVM, and Priests, who have served
in Lincoln;
Invested as Prelate in Lincoln news article, 1954;
Father Thomas James McCarthy’s book, “Homilies, Art and Verse”;
Carroll Catholic School, early history;
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Atlanta, church history and
St. John’s Catholic Church, Middletown, news article
entitled, “Bell Comes to Rest,” 1907;
The Church of Christian Science, history with photo;
Lincoln Church of Christ, history from 1978;
Trinity Episcopal, history beginning 187l; 1997 directory;
Beth-El Jewish Synagogue, history; news article, “A Star of
David in Lincoln”; photo;
Immanuel Lutheran, Lincoln, history; 1892-1992 Centennial
Directory; 90th anniversary write up, 1982; 75th anniversary write
up, 1967 and photos; 50th anniversary write up of building in its
119th year; news article on death of Armin H. Meyer;
[to top of second column] |

Zion Lutheran, Lincoln, Pictorial Directories, 2001, 2006,
and 2012; write up 140th anniversary and sanctuary photo; write up
on opening of addition connecting the sanctuary with the education
Faith Lutheran, Lincoln, history;
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran, Hartsburg, 125th
anniversary, 2010; interior photo of church building;
St. John’s Lutheran, Mt. Pulaski, 100th anniversary,
1868-1968; 1929 confirmation class photo;
St. Peter’s Lutheran, Emden, news article on 125th
anniversary, 2004; “A Century of God’s Love and Blessing,”
Zion Lutheran, Chestnut, 1982-1992 100th anniversary service;
Zion Lutheran, New Holland, 1902-1992 anniversary booklets;
Zion Evangelical Lutheran, Mt. Pulaski, 100th anniversary
book, 1851-1951; photo with news article on 150th anniversary and
150th anniversary book;
First United Methodist, Lincoln, history; photos; Directories
for 1984, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1999; 50 year members;
Beason United Methodist, 2012 photo;
Hartsburg United Methodist, Centennial Booklet, 1876-1976;
history and directory;
Emden and Hartsburg United Methodist, combined church
Latham United Methodist, news article and photo, church
renovation of stained glass windows, 2010;
New Holland United Methodist, 125th anniversary; brief
Zion United Methodist, Chestnut, write up on new pastor Joel
Dietrich, 2005;
Lincoln Hill Free Methodist, Lincoln, membership records and
minutes; news article, “Cornerstone Laid, History Beginning,” 1939;
copy of, Announcement of Closing letter;
Allen Chapel, AME, Lincoln, 118th anniversary, 1868-1986;
news article, “Allen Chapel Wins Listing as Historic Place,” 2004;
article entitled, “Allen Chapel to Benefit from Questers Grant;”
photo Callie Gorens with AME Church in background; news article,
“Saving History, Lincoln’s Allen Chapel Due for Renovation,” 2012;
article, “Library Hosting Allen Chapel Exhibit,” 2012; “The Day of
Worship,” 9/4/1927;
French’s Chapel, news article with photo, “The Closing of
French’s Chapel, 1870-1951;
Lucas Chapel, in Methodist History and Lucas Cemetery
History; photo;
Elkhart Methodist-Episcopal, Elkhart circuit
Methodist-Episcopal church directory, 1906; church history;
Harmony ME, Beason, photos; worship schedule; torn down
Emden Zion United Methodist, history, 2005; closing service,
2005; and news article on auction;
Autobiography Peter Cartwright, the Backwood’s Preacher;
Book, The Horse Preacher, by Elwell Crissey;
Notes on book, “The Horse Preacher;”
Records of Lincoln Circuit Methodist Churches in Logan
County, 1866-1920; (and Harmony Cemetery from 1885), 1970,
1981, and 1985 Decatur Genealogical Society; members;
marriages, baptisms;
The Church of the Nazarene, Lincoln, history; photo; news
article on Centennial;
Cumberland Presbyterian, Lincoln, history; church history by
Leonard Krusemark; Our Christmas Card Photo; the Rev. James White
family history;
Fancy Prairie Presbyterian, Records, 1984; membership at time
of disbanding services, 1968;
First Presbyterian, Lincoln, 2007 and earlier histories; Our
Church Family booklet, 2007; Historic Tour of Churches bulletin,
2008; letter from Eliot Porter, pastor, when leaving in 1929; news
article, “First Presbyterian Church;” photos; news item, “First
Presbyterian’s Long Journey—150th anniversary,” 2007; Book, Links,
by the Rev. Bruce Allison, 1990;
Middletown Presbyterian & Irish Grove, 90th anniversary
bulletin, 1995; news item on 175th anniversary, 2010; photo;
article, “The Little White Church on the Hill.” Dedication bulletin,
1926; 150 year booklet;
Salvation Army, history beginning in 1889; photo of Lt.
Clarence Walroth in uniform with banjo, 1953;
St. John United Church of Christ, Volumes 1 & 2 Memories
booklets of St. John United Church of Christ with CD; Dedication
booklet for new parsonage, 1956; H. J. Barth, pastor; 1960
Centennial pageant program; 2010, Church Celebrates 150th with Quilt
1997, “An Immigrant Reaching Out;” photo; 1995 photos with
write up on Rev. Elmer Hoefer; News item and photos on Germanfest,
1999; 125th anniversary write up, 1985;
Directories for 1960, 1979 and 2010; news article on 1912, tenth
year anniversary of Deaconess Hospital at the church; play
written by Ruth Bidner in 1975 entitled, “The Vine That winds So
True,” the story of the church; news article on Reinhold
The Universalist Church, history.
[Diane Osborn] |