Whether motivated by extremely local food, or simply having a
showy pet to decorate the yard, there are a number of things you
need to know about raising chickens so that your family and your
birds can live happy and healthy together.
This class on home-scale poultry production will be held on
May 4 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the University of Illinois
Extension Office located at 700 S. Airport Drive in Springfield.
Participants will discuss:
- Choosing chicken breeds and starting your chicks
- Considerations for building a coop and designing a
chicken run
- Overcoming winter weather and pressure from predators
- Handling and selling eggs in Illinois safely and legally
The program fee is $5, payable in advance or at the door.
Pre-registration is preferred to ensure adequate space and
materials. Register at
http://web.extension.illinois.edu/lms. For more
information contact Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant at the
University of Illinois Extension office at 217-782-4617,
[Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant,
University of Illinois Extension Educator]