In March second grade students from around the county visited
various departments in the hospital including Dietary, Rehab,
Laundry, Laboratory and Radiology. Highlights of the visits included
a trip into the freezer, a mock stay in a patient room and of
course, the helipad. The students also enjoyed tours an ambulance
provided by the Logan County Paramedics Association. Each group was
guided by a member of the ALMH Auxiliary.
“The ALMH Auxiliary members truly enjoy sharing the day with the
children. The children are always very curious and eager to learn
about how the hospital works,” said Lynne Metz, manager of volunteer
and special services.
The ALMH Auxiliary was organized in 1951. The purpose of the
organization is to promote public relations, provide volunteer
services and conduct fundraising activities. Funds raised by the
ALMH Auxiliary help fund programs of Abraham Lincoln Memorial
Hospital. To learn more about the ALMH Auxiliary and volunteer
opportunities, contact Lynne Metz at 217-605-5701 or visit
[Angela Stoltzenburg, Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital] |
