Sanders said she was very surprised by the recognition. At St.
Clara’s Sandy can typically be found giving manicures to the
residents, but she also helps with the resident Bingo events.
The luncheon began with words of welcome for Activities Director
Rebecca Johnson. After offering thanks to all the volunteers, and a
blessing on the meal, guests were served by Johnson with assistance
from her Activity Assistant Linda Bree, and Social Services
representative Marie Parr. Guests were served Chicken Cordon Bleu,
twice baked potato, green beans, and pie with ice cream.
After lunch, Johnson offered a short speech about volunteers fitting
to this year’s theme; spreading the seeds of love.
She began with a joke that brought belly chuckles from everyone in
the room, then went on to her formal discussion.
“When I think of volunteerism, I think like everyone else of people
who help out when needed. In a nursing home every resident has the
potential to be affected by someone coming in to help out. Our theme
today is “Spreading the seeds of love.” We have birdhouses made of
seed packets and we have seed packets scattered around the tables.
Many of you have flower gardens and vegetable gardens. And we all
know how seeds work when properly cared for, when lovingly helped
along. I read somewhere a quote I will always remember; the blessing
is in the seed.

“Here at St. Clara’s you are the blessing in the seed and you spread
those seeds in a lot of different ways.
“First for those who spread the seeds of music. I don’t know too
many people who don’t like and appreciate music. We get a lot of
attendance at our music programs. Whether it be singing or playing
the piano or playing other instruments; toes start tapping, hands
start clapping, smiles take form, memories of words take shape and
our residents cannot help but sing. Sing alone, sing with others, or
sing off key, sing loud, sing soft, it doesn’t matter, they sing.
The volunteers that come here to provide music are fantastic and
much appreciated. You make them feel better. Some leave still
singing, smiling, dancing, and they spread their own seeds of love.
“Polishing nails -- I saw a commercial last week where a woman was
at a nursing home temporarily and she was so happy that they did her
nails that she decided to stay! There are a lot of residents who
want to get their nails done and are very happy we provide this
service. We are very fortunate to have dedicated volunteers that
come and help us out. It can be busy and chaotic, but it is also a
time for conversation and fellowship. Residents can be showing off
their nails to other residents who comment how pretty they look, and
the seeds of love continue to be spread.
“Providing church services, Rosary, and bringing Communion. This is
an invaluable service to the residents who come to continue
religious practices most of them grew up with. My mother is in a
Catholic Nursing home in Lacon. In her active days she continued to
go to church, Rosary, and take communion, just like she did her
whole life. When she became weak and frail both in mind and body,
she still remembered her hymns, the Rosary, and Communion. Residents
here look forward to Sunday’s, Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s
when there is some familiar religious practice they want to take
part in. We are very fortunate to have volunteers willing to spread
the seeds of God’s love to each one of them.
“Hosting Bingo -- I’m not saying we get more residents in Bingo than
Church, but it is close! Why do residents love Bingo so much? It’s
familiar, it’s fun, they win prizes, they sit by their friends, they
laugh, and they talk. Some played before they came, some started
here. It’s easy yet challenging, it passes the time. They are happy
a group of volunteers who come to share their time, giving prizes
and providing a snack for residents who love this activity. And, you
can think about all the seeds of love you’re spreading when you are
picking up all those Bingo chips that are scattered under all the
[to top of second column] |

“Hosting monthly birthday parties -- Making treats, providing games
and prizes, party hats and an overall happy atmosphere; our
volunteers are fun and make their parties fun. We can get pretty
rowdy and loud sometimes and that is exactly what our residents like
in a party.
“Keeping up a flower garden -- You have to love flowers and you have
to be dedicated to keeping them alive. We have such a volunteer and
we appreciate her dedication. Warm days, hot days, many days she
spreads the seeds of love by giving the residents something
beautiful to enjoy.
“Making room visits -- Spending one on one time with residents is
priceless. Just like us the residents like to talk and they like to
be listened to. And it is such an easy way to spread the seeds of
love by listening to someone.
“Playing Santa -- With a dedicated helper, Santa comes to entertain
the residents each year. He makes my job easier for his wanting to
do this. With all the holiday activities, the residents look forward
to Santa bringing their gifts and enjoying their party with him and
Mrs. Clause.
“Donating prizes and seasonal items -- Your donation whatever they
are, mean a better program or activity for the residents. We thank
you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do. Most of all we
thank you for coming here to St. Clara’s to help out even on days
when you don’t feel like coming, you come anyway because you care.
Thank you for coming today. This is a special day, a day when we
show our appreciation through this luncheon and fellow ship.
“The forget-me-not seed packets on the tables are for you to take
home as well as a birdhouse. They are a little remind of our
“All of you are deserving of Volunteer of the year, but as we do
each year, we choose just one to be honored with this title. Last
year our volunteer of the year was Joyce Grimsley. She passed away
and we still miss her. She was a wonderful volunteer very dedicated.
We’ll always miss her. This year the volunteer of the year 2015 goes
to Sandy Sanders.

“For her loyalty and for her love for our residents. Sanders was
awarded with a framed certificate and hanging basket of pansies.”
The St. Clara’s administrator, Mike Eads also stopped in during the
luncheon to express his great appreciation for all the volunteers.
“The residents are very lucky to have volunteers such as yourselves
to make a difference in their lives,” he said. “I know it can be
very rewarding, and I know they do appreciate it, their families
appreciate it, and the staff appreciates it. Thank you for your
continued support and you are a blessing to the entire facility.”
The luncheon came to a close with Johnson offering up a closing
prayer of thanksgiving and blessing on the volunteers.
[Nila Smith] |