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Joyce Augustine

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[April 27, 2015]  WINFIELD - Joyce Augustine was born on May 24, 1931 in Peoria. She passed away peacefully on April 15, 2015 in Winfield.

In lieu of formal services, Kurt, Mary, Shannon, and Cayden invite you to their home on Sunday, April 26, 2015 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at 1400 Knoll Drive, Naperville

Funeral home: Fricke-Calvert-Schrader, Lincoln


Joyce Augustine was born on May 24, 1931 in Peoria. She passed away peacefully on April 15, 2015 in Winfield.

A proud mother to her son, Kurt, and a loving mother-in-law to Kurt’s wife, Mary. Also a very proud grandmother to Shannon, and great grandmother to Shannon’s son Cayden. She was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Robert (Bob).

Content to be a stay-at-home mom raising her son, she went to work as soon as Kurt entered college. When Bob retired, they moved from Elmhurst to Lincoln.

She spent many years there as the devoted assistant to Dennis Schrader at Fricke, Calvert, Schrader Funeral Home.

Alas, a couple years after Bob passed away, Shannon was born. After a while, she felt the need to finally retire and move back to the Chicago area to be near her granddaughter.

In the past year, she even had the blessed opportunity to play with her great-grandson, Cayden.

In lieu of formal services, Kurt, Mary, Shannon, and Cayden invite you to their home on Sunday, April 26, 2015 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at 1400 Knoll Drive, Naperville, to help them celebrate the life of a truly extraordinary woman.

Click here to send a note of condolence to the family of Joyce Augustine 


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