For most of the broadleaf products to work, the temperature has
to be over 55 degrees. These chemicals do work better when it is
warmer and the weeds are actively growing. Usual timing is the
first week of May in our area. The first item of business is to
know what type of weeds you want to control. This will make a
big difference in what product or products you select.
The main products used for broadleaf weed control in lawns are
2,4-D, MCPP, dicamba, a combination of those three products, and
triclopyr. Let’s start with the triclopyr since it’s probably
the easiest to discuss. Its place in weed control is for hard to
control weeds and woody plants, and it helps with control of
violets. It can be added to one, or more, other chemicals to
provide broad spectrum control. Some blends now contain
trichlopyr, so check the label. There are many trade names for
products containing trichlopyr, and they seem to change every
year. Just check active ingredients.

2,4-D is the old standby. It is good on carpetweed, chicory,
dandelion, lambsquarters, plantains, and wild carrot. There are
amine forms and ester forms. The ester will generally give
better control of more weeds, is generally not water soluble
(except for a hard inch of rain soon after application), but it
does have vapor drift potential. MCPP is good on chicory,
lambsquarters, and white clover. Dicamba is good on black medic,
chickweeds, chicory, dandelion, dock, henbit, knotweed,
lambsquarters, pearlwort, purslane, red sorrel, thistles, white
clover, wild carrot, and yarrow. The combination of all three
products will pick up all of those listed for the individual
products, plus a few more such as mallow, speedwell, and wild
onion. The combinations are sold under many different trade
names so check the active ingredient list for ones you need.
My annual disclaimer for application of these types of products
is: “Beware of potential drift from these products.” Not only
can the spray move under windy conditions while you are
spraying, but particularly with dicamba, the products can drift
as a vapor for up to two weeks after spraying with hot and humid
[to top of second column] |

Master Gardener Plant Sale Scheduled
The Logan County Master Gardeners annual plant sale is Saturday,
May 16, from 9 – 11 a.m. (note the time change) at the Logan
County Fairgrounds exhibition buildings. They are working hard
to get ready, so save the date if you have an interest in

Fruit Tree Spray Reminders
There are a few fruit tree spray reminders for this time of the
year. If trees are blooming, no insecticides should be applied.
If you didn’t get the spray on just before bloom, you can use a
straight fungicide such as captan. The next regular spray with
an insecticide and a fungicide (or multipurpose fruit spray) is
at 75% petal fall for apples and pears, and when husks being to
split and pull away from the fruit base on apricots, cherries,
peaches, nectarines, and plums.