Monday was "Duck Dynasty/Camo Day" along with the freshman Ag
students "Get Your Hands Painted Green Day."
Tuesday the students observed "Hat, Boot and Buckle/Dress Like a
Farmer Day."
On Wednesday, in conjunction with driving tractors and lawnmowers to
school, the students were encouraged to wear the color of their
favorite tractor.
Thursday is "Class Color Day" where each class wears a designated
color and there will also be a cookout for the entire school with
hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and cookies on the menu.
Meanwhile, on Friday the activities wrap up with "Ag Awareness Day,"
which features the ever-popular petting zoo. Starting at 8 a.m. and
running until 2 p.m. on Friday, the FFA students will host kids from
Zion Lutheran School and Mount Pulaski Grade School at the petting
zoo. Students are asked to wear their blue and gold on Friday.
Ralph Allen is the advisor of the Mount Pulaski FFA chapter, which
proudly has 58 student members.
[Teena Lowery] |
