Blood donations often decline in August as final summer vacations
are planned and back-to-school activities ramp up. On average,
during the summer months, about two fewer donors give blood at each
Red Cross blood drive than what is needed.
Donations are needed now to help ensure blood is available for
patients in need. Donors with types AB, O negative, B negative and A
negative blood are especially encouraged to donate. Plasma from type
AB donors can be transfused to patients of any blood type, as can
type O negative blood. Type B negative and A negative blood can be
transfused to Rh-positive or negative patients. These are the most
in demand blood types and are in constant need.

To make an appointment to give blood, download the Red Cross Blood
Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS
[to top of second column] |

Local donation opportunities:
August 19
12 Noon to 5 p.m.
Lincoln Park District
1400 Railer Way
Lincoln August 19
2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
American Legion Post 447
100 Scroggin Avenue
Mount Pulaski
[Ben Corey, American Red Cross] |