Season passes good for 4 home FOOTBALL games are ADULTS
$16.00 and STUDENTS $8.00
Season passes good for 10 home VOLLEYBALL games are ADULTS
$40.00 and STUDENTS $20.00
Family pass for football (2 adults & 2 students_ - $48.00
Family pass for volleyball (2 adults & 2 students) - $120.00
A family football or volleyball pass will allow 2 adults and 2
students into a game. They must be immediate family and enter
all home football or volleyball games at the same time. To
qualify you must live at home full time. A picture I.D. will be
required along with your family pass for admittance to each
varsity game. A signature will be required to be on file at LCHS.
These may be purchased in the main office only.
No season passes will be sold at the ticket booth on game night.
Come out and support the Lincoln Railers.
[Patty Zirkammer, Lincoln Community
High School]