Farm Bureau Young Leaders conduct crop tours, offer early prediction
on corn harvest yields
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[August 27, 2015]
- The Logan County Farm Bureau, Young Leaders Group, conducted a
crop tour of 2015 crops on the 20th of August. The mission of the
crop tour was to evaluate the overall condition of the corn crop in
Logan County.
Eli Klokkenga and Matt Wrage spear headed the crop tour with
consistency and accuracy in mind. Mother Nature plays an
important role in the production of a corn crop. Some years she
is kind, such as last year, some years she deals a tough hand as
she did this year. The large amounts of rain from early summer
followed by a rapid dry up have made estimating an overall yield
of any field let alone an entire county a very difficult task.
All samples were taken with the same strategy. Enter a field
from multiple locations, go well beyond the end rows to a point
that was representative of the field, take a harvestable ear
count and select every 10th ear for a sample. Kernel counts were
taken from all the ear samples and multiplied by their respected
stand counts. The Counts were divided by 90,000 kernels per
bushel. 90k was selected over 80k to account for possible
lighter test weight and smaller kernel size due to unfavorable
grain fill from lack of nitrogen and premature death from
shallow roots. This strategy was performed in four locations of
every field sampled. The specific fields sampled were randomly
chosen however they were in strategic locations to provide the
best possible coverage for the county. Samples were taken from
each township in the county. To analyze the data, the county was
divided into 4 quadrants; Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, and

The Numbers are in…
*Bushels per Acre
- Northwest Quadrant 177.3 BPA*
- Southwest Quadrant 180.1 BPA
- Southeast Quadrant 192.6 BPA
- Northeast Quadrant 189.7 BPA
- Preliminary Average 184.9 BPA
[to top of second column] |

The difficult task on a year like this is putting in a factor to account for the
large amounts of wet areas that will produce little to no corn at all. A drone
was deployed over a few fields in the survey to better grasp this issue. One
field showed 20% + that will be a complete loss.
There is no scientific or mathematical equation to produce this factor. However,
one car ride across the county and most will agree this factor cannot be
ignored. For this “factor” it was decided to reduce our final yield analysis by
a completely subjective number of 5 %. For a final yield estimate of Logan
County’s corn crop of 175.7 BPA.
In addition to the yield estimate notes were also taken on the progress and the
agronomic state of the crop. In an estimated 20% of the fields stalk quality is
of concern for standblity into harvest. Some ear molds were present in a few of
the sampled fields. This included Diplodia as well as Gibberella and Fusarium.
Many of the fields had very little green left in them. This was a result of
shallow root structure and lack of nitrogen. As of the 20th none of the plants
had reached maturity (black layer) although a few were close.
The Logan County Farm Bureau Young Leaders anticipate making the crop tour an
annual event in Logan County. For more information on the crop tour or the Logan
County Farm Bureau Young Leaders Group please contact the Logan County Farm
Bureau at 217-732-7326.
[Matt Wrage, Logan County Farm Bureau
Young Leaders] |