Present: Bob Farmer; David Blankenship; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben;
David Hepler
Absent: Rick Aylesworth Guests: Bret Aukamp; Curt Fox, Kevin
Bateman, Jan Schumacher, Jon Wright, Emily Davis, Andy Anderson,
Mike Booher, Angela Reiners, DiAnne Turner, Alison Rumler-Gomez,
Scott Schaffenacker
Mr. Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:45 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to approve
the minutes from the August 31, 2015 meeting. Motion passed.
The list of claims for payments was reviewed. A motion was made by
Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to approve the list of claims for
payment. Motion passed.

Maintenance: Sealcoat work is done for the year; this year
had great success. Rainy weather in June caused a delayed start, but
there were no other weather issues and no major equipment
breakdowns. With sealcoat work completed, the crew has resumed the
backhoe projects. Culverts, bridges, and ditches in the northwest
part of the county are currently in the works. The work will move
westward over the next month, and projects will be completed along
the way. The mowing tractors have been serviced, but some minor
repairs still need to be made. Roadside mowing should begin by the
end of the week.
Construction: Roadwork near San Jose on CH 3 and CH 16 is
complete. A single layer of sealcoat was applied this year, and a
second coat is planned for next year. The bridge project in Orvil
Township on 2200th St. is complete and open to traffic. The
county-aid project for Elkhart Township is complete. Riprap was
placed under a bridge over Lake Fork ditch near Cornland. Mr. Aukamp
will present a full report on the project when all the bills have
been received. The bridge project in Mt. Pulaski Township on 100th
St. has begun. The old bridge has been removed, and the new bridge
is taking shape.

Engineering: IDOT would like to start discussing programming
of federal funds early this year so Mr. Aukamp has already begun to
assemble status reports and cost estimates for some of the projects.
The Road & Bridge Committee will need to review the 5-year plan at
the November meeting so Mr. Aukamp can program funds for the
approved projects. He also hopes to have estimates next month for
riprap under bridges in Oran Township. Mr. Aukamp has been
conducting follow-up culvert inspections on those in poor condition,
and some will be slated for replacements this winter. No significant
damage has been noticed on the road shoulders where many farmers
have been loading grain trucks due to the dry, firm soil conditions.
Mr. Aukamp explained to some citizens that loaded grain carts are
not legal to haul on roadways or to haul on bridges. Mr. Aukamp will
attend the IACE conference in Moline and a bridge inspection class
in Springfield required to be Program Manager for the county’s
bridge inspection program.
[to top of second column] |

Old Business:
High Speed Rail Crossings: The rail crossing at Broadwell is
open to traffic, but still needs minor repair work before it’s
complete. Mr. Aukamp is in discussions with Union Pacific
regarding detour traffic when the 600th Street crossing is
constructed; he has concerns about the amount of coal mine
traffic that would be detoured across Elkhart Hill and through
the Village of Elkhart. Repairs to County Highway 6
(Atlanta-Beason): The maintenance crew will be adding dirt to
the shoulders where it is steep in the next few weeks and will
continue to work with the grader as the rain continues. Once the
roadway is smooth, the surface will be treated with calcium chloride
to reduce the loose rock and dust. The road will be seal coated next
Road Conditions and Funding: Nothing to report.
Wind Farm Road Use Agreement: Nothing to report.

Equipment Purchases: Mr. Aukamp will attend a bid opening
next week near Ransom, IL to bid on a used dump truck. Depending on
the outcome of that bid opening, a budget amendment may be needed
for the FY 14-15 budget.
New Business:
Approval of a construction contract for placement of riprap under a
bridge in Atlanta Township: Goodman Excavation offered to do the
riprap project for Atlanta Township on 2300th St for $18,840.00. Mr.
Aukamp recommended approving that contract. A motion was made by Mr.
Hepler, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to approve the Goodman Excavation
contract for riprap at Section 215-B-CA for $18,840. Roll call vote
taken, 5 yes 0 no 1 absent. Motion passed.
Quarterly project status report: print out provided the Board
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben seconded by Mr. Blankenship, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:00 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]