I hate to be that person but I'm going to be.
Be ready to make an eye roll in my general
direction. Okay.
Enough stalling. You ready?
We are just over 2 weeks into the New Year and I
have to ask...How's that resolution going?
Are you still getting up early to read your Bible
before work?
Are you still making out to the rec center for that
30 minute walk?
Are you still choosing water over corn syrup and
Are you still __________________________(insert your
resolution here...)
Someone recently told me they don't make New Year's
resolution because it sets them up for failure. I
understand that. I hear that. But with an attitude
like that, isn't there already an expectation to
So consider this post your 2 week "check-in" where
you evaluate your goals and assess how you're doing.
Don't give up. The year is young. It is pregnant
with possibilities. Not all is lost.
If you didn't make a resolution, may I ask you a
question inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is,
'What are you doing for others?'"

Resolution or no resolution, it is my hope your year
has started off well. And whatever it is you decide
to do, you do it for you; you complete tasks as well
as you can; and you take your time doing it. Or as
it is said in Latin, festina lente. [“Make haste
May the beauty of the New Year continue to be
revealed to you. As the sun rises higher and light
remains with us longer, may you be warmed by the
hope of spring, the return of Robins, and the
greening of grass.
You're more than enough. And you are loved!
[Adam Quine, First Presbyterian Church in
Lincoln] |