I delayed my formal announcement letter to the press
until after I completed walking the ward and hearing the concerns of
the people in Ward 3. This campaign is not about me, it is about
you, the residents of Lincoln. Do the citizens of Lincoln share the
same visions as those who are setting policies and spending the
taxpayers’ money? Do the citizens of Lincoln want taxation without
representation? Does it appear that when there are often unanimous
or nearly unanimous votes with little discussion, that our wishes
are being ignored or not even considered? We need a voice, a voice
that is not tainted by the current “powers that be.” We need
questions asked and we need due diligence and accountability. I am
committed to being that voice.

During my previous term as alderman on our city council, I had
experience with budgets, committees, and working with city
employees. It was a right to express my opinions on the floor of the
chambers before a vote so the citizens could see why I was voting
the way I did. It may not always have been the popular vote but it
was always a vote based on my research and fiscal responsibility.
All citizens should have a voice and not be considered “barriers” to
uncontrollable spending and ever higher taxes; such as the municipal
utility tax. It is not just the taxes, but also the fines and the
fees and other deterrents placed on individuals and businesses by
our current administration that causes a lack of trust that is
conducive to an unhealthy business economy.
A majority of citizens that talk to me are saying that we need to
take care of what we have. They say the streets, alleys, sidewalks,
and other infrastructure are really important. We need to prioritize
spending for our infrastructure and police and fire pensions rather
than carelessly spending our precious dollars on a new public safety
building. Citizens have real concerns over the Logan County
Alliance, previously known as the Chamber of Commerce, and their
relationship with our city government. Taking over Tourism and Main
Street and putting the control of their funding and operations into
the hands of a very few has caused a great deal of turmoil. Those
few have completely broken up and changed the Art and Balloon
Festival. The city is giving a lot of public money to this private
organization with little or no accountability. Is that what you
want? [to
top of second column] |
 Residents need to understand who they are voting
for. Please read my Letters to the Editor. You can find them on my
web site www.wandalee
rohlfs.com. They are written for you.
There are huge differences between my philosophy and that of my
opponent. My goals for Lincoln are simple: turn things around in
city government by keeping you informed, demanding accountability,
financial responsibility, and open communication with citizens. This
community has a vision for Lincoln. It is frequently stated that
people like this area because of the small-town feel. I identify
with that and believe we can maintain that feel if we hold the
finances of our local government in check and seek resources from
within all citizen groups and job markets to progress economically.
As a proven leader, doing what is right to allow for sustainable
growth means we need to oppose the current practices of excessive
spending and questionable alliances. Due diligence requires study of
more common-sense and cost effective options in all
expenditure areas.
The bottom line in decision making as it relates to the community as
a whole, is “Doing what is right.” Equally important is
having the ability to know what’s wrong and stand up against it.
Please start by electing an experienced, practical, and free
thinking candidate for Ward 3 Alderman, Wanda Lee Rohlfs. Vote
February 24, 2015, at the Logan County Courthouse.
