Present: Kevin Bateman; Bob Farmer; Chuck Ruben; Jan Schumacher;
Emily Davenport; Scott Schaffenacker
Guests: Dennis Reves
Mr. Bateman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mrs. Davenport, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to
approve the minutes from the September 2, 2014 meeting. Motion
Old Business:
Safety Complex HVAC and Roof:
Mr. Bateman read an e-mail from John Terneus. Mr. Terneus e-mail
informed the committee that “We are 90% complete. We need to install
a new regulator tomorrow 1008-14. We also have a drain to complete
in the evidence room. The mechanical room in the basement will
require some insulation by (1) of my subcontractors. After the
regulator is installed we will commission all new equipment. The
cooling is currently operating. I will provide a detailed start up
report when we are 100%. Brandon will have to update you on the
roofing part of the project”. Mr. Bateman did not receive an update
from Brandon. However, Mr. Bateman talked to Brandon the day after
the storm and Brandon informed Mr. Bateman the drain was a problem,
for some reason it was covered up. The door that leads out to the
roof is rotted. The door will need to be replaced.

Benches at Scully Park:
Mr. Bateman has been in contact with the gentleman from Illinois
Department of Corrections. Mr. Bateman gave an estimate for the
benches. Benches will cost a little over $10,000. Keep on the
County Website: Nothing to report
Audio Recording:
Mr. Bateman reported audio recordings will be going online in the
near future. Mr. Bateman explained how the audio recording will
work. Mrs. Freese or Mrs. Meagher will upload the audio recording
onto the website after each meeting. The audio recording will stay
on the database for one month. Each committee will have a spot for
their audio recordings.
Update on Elevator:
Mr. Bateman reported the elevator repairs have been pushed back
to late January.
Mr. Bateman reported no bids have been received for the elevator
maintenance room. However, Mr.
Bateman is trying to get an exemption for the maintenance elevator
Mrs. Schumacher mentioned the lighting at the park. DCEO has yet
to receive the paperwork regarding the lighting. The plan is still
to replace the lighting at the park just waiting for approval. BLI
Lighting agreed to take the money in December. Keep on the agenda
for next month.
The committee held a discussion regarding where the money could
come from. Mr. Bateman will bring up park lighting on October 16,
2014 to be voted on.
Job Listing:
Mr. Bateman will talk to Mr. Doolin about job listings.
End of Old Business
New Business:
Maintenance Worker:
Mrs. Schumacher reported she would like to hire a part time
maintenance worker. Mr. Ruben informed Mrs. Schumacher that she
needs to go talk to the Sheriff regarding hiring a part time
maintenance worker. Mrs. Schumacher will contact sheriff regarding a
part time maintenance worker.

Indian Mother Statue:
Mrs. Schumacher reported “Thanks to Andy Anderson this item is
taken care of”.
[to top of second column] |

Employee Parking:
Mr. Bateman discussed the parking issues. Mr. Bateman reported he
is going to give employees one more chance to abide by the unwritten
rule and start parking in the appropriate parking spots. (Behind
Guzzardo's, by Scully Park, By Latham Park or by the Library)
Mr. Wright informed Mr. Bateman that he could add language in the
Personnel Policy regarding the parking. Mr. Wright plans to speak to
the employees regarding the parking. Mr. Bateman reported Kim Turner
#11, Vicki Dugan #12, Mary Kelley #7, Sally Turner # 8, Pam Meagher
or Abbey Freese # 9 and Carey Gave
#10 have assigned parking spots over in the Shay Parking Lot
(Located behind Guzzardo’s).
No action was taken at this time.
Snow Removal:
Mr. Bateman asked Mrs. Freese or Mrs. Meagher to copy the bid
from last year and run an ad in the paper. Mr. Bateman asked for the
bid to be ran no more than 4 days. The bid would be for a two year
bid. The company would be responsible for: John A Logan, Safety
Complex, Courthouse (ramps), Animal Control and Health Department.
Mrs. Schumacher offer to help Mrs. Freese with the wording for the
Salary Reimbursement and office renovation:
Mr. Bateman reported Kim Turner (Head of Probation) would like to
make some office renovations. Mrs. Turner is requesting that the
three office cubicles in the main office be walled in with doors and
new carpet. Mrs. Turner has concerns related to the American with
Disabilities Act, confidentiality and privacy.
Mrs. Turner was pleased to inform the committee that the salary
reimbursement for the 2015 fiscal year from the State has increased
$25,212.00 over what was allocated last year. The State is also
allocating an additional $24,037.00 for the current fiscal year. Mr.
Ruben pointed out that “that’s salary reimbursement”. Mr. Bateman
plans to have a conversation with Mrs. Turner regarding the office
renovation. No action was taken at this time.

Trees at John Logan Building:
Mr. Bateman reported the trees at John Logan Building have been
taken care of. Steve Baker was the contractor. The bill was $875.00.
End of New Business
Requests: None
Report from Dennis Reves:
Mr. Bateman reported the radiator in the County Board office has
been leaking for some time now. Just the radiator will cost
$1,550.00 or the county could spend $2,075 for a Ptac unit. The
committee would like to test the Ptac unit out in the County Board
Room. Mrs. Schumacher will contact DCEO to see if we can receive any
rebates. Mrs. Schumacher will try to have an answer by October 16,
2014. Mr. Reves reported the dome is leaking. Mr. Reves cleaned out
the basement. Mr. Reves reported he fixed the poles at the park for
the banners.
Budget Review: No concerns.
Public Comments: None
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Schaffenacker, to
approve the bills. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:30 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website] |