City of Lincoln January 2015 Clerk's
Report of Sewer Fee Collection activity
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[February 23, 2015]
LINCOLN - Below is the report filed by
the City of Lincoln City Clerk, and presented to the City Council on
February 17th, for the month of January 2015:
The chart below represents the breakdown of the past due sewer
balances as of 0l/30/15. These accounts are divided into three
periods, 0-45 days, 46-90 days and over 90 days. The Monthly sewer
balance total includes International Paper, one prison and LDC as of
January 30, 2015.

Please note as of January 30, 2015 (accounts that are 90 days or
more past due) totaled $74,728.91. We have authorized IL-AWC to
disconnect water service to 150 properties with allowing 132
reconnection (due to payment in full) since February, 2012. There
are 25 properties in foreclosure and/or bankruptcy; with a total of
$36,351 .50 (included in above past due residential totals).
The Monthly & Northeast Sections were billed on 01/30/15.
Monthly - January -- $80,095.26
Northeast - Nov/Dec/Jan -- $80,322.00
TOTAL -- $160,417.26 The total amount of sewer receipts
collected for the month of January, 2015: $317,486.09 cash &
+ 18,442.82 debit/credit payments (E-Pay)
$335,486.91 total for January 2015
The Sewer Department collected $1,265.00 from one (1) sewer account
out of five
{5) accounts that were recalled from Midwest Credit Collections.
This brings the total past due amount the Clerk's office has
collected since 01/01/12 to
$136,054.09 (approx. 78.8%) on 153 properties; $3,412.28 (approx.
2%) on 5 properties have been written off due to Bankruptcy, Tax
Deed and US Marshall sales; and $33,165.02 (approx. 19.2%) on 19
properties are left to be collected, on the original $172,631 .39
(176 properties) outstanding sewer balances.
[Taken from City of Lincoln Website] |
