Present: Jan Schumacher; Andy Anderson; Kevin Bateman; Dave
Helper; Chuck Ruben; Emily Davenport
Staff: Pamela Meagher
Guests: Nancy Schaub
Mrs. Schumacher called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Bateman, to
approve the minutes from the September 10, 2014 meeting as printed.
Motion passed.
Old Business
Hartford Appeal: Claim regarding LEADS damage. Jon Wright sought
appeal. Three specialists from Gallagher are reviewing claim and
policy. Gallagher will give us some direction.
End of Old Business
New Business
Dental and Life Insurance Renewals: Mrs. Schaub reminded the
committee Life Insurance is now with Dearborn National and renewal
is in May. Dental 13% increase loss ratio of 87%. Nancy asked for a
review of renewal offer approx. increase $5,600 year because rates
are higher. County could choose restructure services covered at 50%
and 80%. Nancy will attempt to get revised rate for consideration at
October workshop. Mrs. Meagher will notify employee on October
22,2014 if the board passes the dental renewals.
CIRMA HR Specialist: Hired to work with county to limit risk. Donna
reviewed policies. Donna will send written report of recommendation.
Reviewing elected officals policies as well. Audited payroll and
personnel files in each office, as well as DOL postings. Dept. heads
will receive a hotline number for HR consultation. She will provide
a list of individuals who are authorized to call.
End of New Business
[to top of second column] |
Insurance Administrator Report: Nothing further to
Legislative: NONE
Appointments: NONE
Recognitions: NONE
Raffles: NONE
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to
approve the bills as presented for payment. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Davenport,
to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:26 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]