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Real Estate [see
Publisher's Notice)

Werth & Associates
Lincoln / Logan County since 1974
1829 Innsbrook
Nearly New Fabulous Ranch!
Up to 5 bedrooms plus 3 full baths in this
built family home. You’ll love the open floor plan – the
full finished basement – the quiet peaceful neighborhood
with easy access to a stocked pond.
Broker owned – Vicki Hasprey 217-735-1774

Werth & Associates
Lincoln / Logan County since 1974

720 N Kickapoo - $74,900!
You’ll be greeted by so many
surprises when you view this property! Lots of remodeling and
updating in the last 4 years including: vinyl siding, central
air, furnace, water heater, updated wiring & plumbing, whirlpool
tub, all new floorings and added insulation. There is also a
great new kitchen to make cooking & prepping an enjoyable
experience. Home is situated on a tree-shaded double lot with
fenced yard and wrap around porch & deck for great outdoor
living. For the man of the house, there is a 16 x 24 accessory
building that has outfitted for a “to die for man cave”!!
