The public
is invited to Camp Griesheim's
Annual Meeting to be held on Sunday,
September 15 at 5 p.m. in their main
facility in Atlanta, Illinois.
Refreshments and fellowship will
follow the meeting.
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John UCC
to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John United
Church of Christ in Lincoln is sponsoring a
Christian Carnival on Sunday from 2:30 to
4:30 p.m. The activities will be on the
church's parking lot, at the corner of
Eighth and Maple streets.
public is invited. All ages are welcome to
join in the games, snacks, songs, stories
and more fun -- and win prizes, too -- all
for free.
For answers to questions about the event,
call the church office, 732-6957.
The carnival is sponsored by the St. John
Christian Education Ministry.
[Text from
file received]
- See more at:
Saturday Meal
Logan County Love
Open to everyone
Logan County Love will once again provide a free
meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are
interested, please stop by and introduce
yourself as the group would love to see everyone
in the community. Come hungry and leave
fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include
chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive
but would like a meal, call the church,
217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
St. John UCC, corner of
Seventh and Maple
5-6:30 pm - See more at:
3rd Saturday
Logan County Love
Open to everyone
Logan County Love will once again provide a free
meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are
interested, please stop by and introduce
yourself as the group would love to see everyone
in the community. Come hungry and leave
fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include
chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive
but would like a meal, call the church,
217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
St. John UCC, corner of
Seventh and Maple
5-6:30 pm
- See more at:
We all need a plan for our
money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It
teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video
teaching, class discussions, and interactive small group
activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get
from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be.
This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage
your money, spend
and save wisely, and much more! The FPU Free Preview
Event is Sunday, January 11 from 10:45 a.m.—12:15 p.m.
Sign up for the preview in the Lincoln Christian Church
Family Room on January 4 and 11. Classes will meet starting
Sunday, January 25 at 10:45 a.m.
Man on Fire Study
Join Tim Becke as he leads a men’s study discussing the key
issues, needs, and Biblical solutions for men. God is
calling each man to authentic Christian manhood. This study
will help you discover what God’s word says about being a
Man on Fire. This study begins at Lincoln Christian
Church on Wednesday, January 14 at 6:30 p.m.
New Wednesday Study - Jesus, Pilot, and Rome
Why did Pilate execute Jesus? This class taught by Dr. Brian
Messner will explore why Pilate, a Roman governor, would
execute Jesus when he clearly found Jesus innocent. We will
consider Pilate's career, the development of Rome, Judaea's
strategic context, and the trial in all four Gospels. The
answer may surprise you! The class will be held at
Lincoln Christian Church on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
beginning January 14.
Kids Worship-January Level Up – Good Vs. Evil
January Kids Worship at Lincoln Christian Church will
guide us in preparing for battle! We’ll learn about the
armor God gives to protect us. Ephesians 6:10 will be our
key verse for the month: “Be strong in the Lord.” We will
also be discovering that the power of Jesus is still present
with us today. Join us every Sunday for Kids Worship at
8:15 or 11:00 a.m. as we find out more about God’s
incredible protection!
M.O.M.s Group
Join M.OM.s Group Wednesday nights 6:30-7:45 at Lincoln
Christian Church. Moms of all ages are welcome! M.O.M.s
Group will resume January 14! Plan now to join M.O.M.s as
they work through The Power of a Praying Parent, by Stormie
Ormartian. Several guest speakers will be coming throughout
the semester, and we’ll have some fun activity nights
sprinkled throughout the semester! There’s always room for
more at M.O.M.s, so join us and bring a friend!

Lincoln Christian Church GOOD NEWS Creative Arts and 5/6
Choir Meet Again January 11! Open Enrollment through January
GOOD NEWS Creative Arts (GNCA) for 7th – 12th grade students
and 5/6 Choir for 5th and 6th grade students will resume
rehearsing on Sunday, January 11. There is open enrollment
until the end of January (Sundays - January 11, 18, 25) to
make a commitment to the tours. Need more information on
either group? Contact me at 217.732.7618 or
GOOD NEWS Creative Arts meets each Sunday from 5:00 – 6:00
p.m., and 5/6 Choir meets from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. each Sunday.
Now is the time to invite your friends to join us for our
upcoming tours. 5/6 Choir mini-tour is April 25-26 with home
concert Sunday, April 26 at 4:00 p.m. GOOD NEWS Creative
Arts will be on tour from June 9-16, 2015, heading southwest
to Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Missouri, and
Illinois. GNCA’s home concert is Monday, June 8 at 7:00 p.m.
LCC Preschool Now Enrolling
Spring Semester 2015
Lincoln Christian Church Preschool has a few openings for the spring
semester. This is an excellent opportunity for your child or some
child you may know to get a boost before Kindergarten. Sign up soon.
Registrations are coming in, so make sure to reserve a spot! The
Preschool helps prepare children in all learning domains, such as
reading, writing, math, science, and more. In addition, children
have the opportunity to grow their socialization skills, and every
week they learn new Bible stories and verses. If you would like more
information about the preschool, call the church office at
(217)732-7618 or stop by the Children’s Ministry Check-in Station to
pick up a brochure.