On hand was Billie Cheek of Atlanta, representing Mayor Fred
Finchum. Cheek is a 35-year member of the Atlanta City Council and
serves as the Mayor Pro Tem in Finchum’s absence.
Randy Brooks was present, representing the Atlanta Library Board.
The Palms Grill and several other destination locations in Atlanta
are owned and operated by the Library.
Also on hand was Bill Thomas of Atlanta. Thomas is involved with the
Atlanta Library, the Atlanta Betterment Fund, is a business owner in
Atlanta and the executive director of the Logan County Economic
Development Partnership.
Representing the Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce and the
Abraham Lincoln Tourism Bureau of Logan County, Kristi Powell, Jean
Bruner-Jachino, and Sarah Wallick were also on hand.

The morning began with Cheek reading a letter from Mayor Finchum,
then adding a few words of her own. She noted that Finchum sent his
apologies and regrets for not being able to attend. She then read
the note from the mayor that recognized that the Delicious
Destination Award was a statewide program and that Palms was one of
a very select group to receive the award this year. The note ended
with a word of congratulations. Cheek then added that she too wanted
to congratulate the Palms Grill and the Atlanta Library Board for
the award.

She ended saying, “Thanks to the Atlanta Public Library and staff
for bringing back a lot of nostalgia to Atlanta with the Palms Grill
and a delicious food.

Sarah Wallick then took the podium. She noted that the award is made
as the result of a nomination. It was noted that the nominator for
the Palms Grill was Heather Wilkins of the Regional Tourism Bureau.
She said, “We are very fortunate to have something like this sitting
on Route 66 where it has been fully restored to its former glory. It
is just a wonderful place.”
[to top of second column] |

Next up was Thomas, who was quick to explain that it was the
public library that owned the business. He said the business has
been up and running for six years, and that it has been very

He was also quick to recognize the staff at the grill saying that
the success of the business can be credited to the staff who
understand the vision of the grill. “They understand the vision of
this place, and the vision is to create an experience because that
is what we have discovered tourists want. When they come in here
they want to hear, see, smell, taste, and touch what it was like to
go down Route 66 back in the day.”

Wallick then made the official presentation of the certificate to
Brooks. Brooks also offered up a few words on the grill and the
award. “Thank you very much for this distinguished award. It means a
lot to the library. We are going to display this right out where the
tourists can see it and let them know just how proud we are to have
received this.”
At the end of the presentation, guests were invited to stay for
lunch or at least have a piece of freshly made pie.
[Nila Smith]
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