Jan. 14, 9:00 p.m.
Location: North McLean Street at Tremont Street
Drivers and vehicles:
Contributing factors: unable to determine, not
Jan. 17, 7:58 a.m.
Location: Tremont Street at North Ottawa Street
Drivers and vehicles:
Brooks, Ashley J., 20;
1997 Chevrolet Monto Carlo LS
Reichle, Joseph A., 64;
2010 Ford F150
Contributing factors: failing to yield right of
way, unable to determine
Citation issued to: Brooks, for failure to yield/stop at a T
Jan. 18, 1:00 a.m.
Location: Fifth Street at Westminster Drive
Driver and vehicle:
Damage to property of the City of Lincoln
(street sign)
Contributing factors: driving on wrong
side/wrong way
Citation issued to: Taylor, for leaving the
scene of an accident-vehicle damage, failure to give information
after striking unattended property, operating a vehicle with expired
Lincoln Police Department
Beard, Samantha
A., 18, of Lincoln, arrested Jan. 17 in the 1200 block of
Woodlawn Road on charges of reckless driving and endangering
life/heath of a child.
Bradburn, Nicki
J., 33, of Lincoln, arrested Jan. 18 in the 1300 block of
Woodlawn Road on charge of driving with a suspended license.
Mario L., 48, of Lincoln, arrested Jan. 16 at his residence on
charge of domestic battery.
Michael J., 54, of Lincoln, arrested Jan. 18 in the 1700 block
of 1800th Street on charge of theft of lost or
mislaid property.
[to top of second column] |

Alizabeth E., 20, of Lincoln, arrested Jan. 16 in the 800 block
of Malerich Drive on charge of retail theft.
Lindish, John
C., 73, of Lincoln, arrested Jan. 17 in the 700 block of Feldman
Drive on charge of domestic battery.
List, Shelby
R., 19, of Lincoln, arrested Jan. 16 on Jefferson Street at
Fifth Street on charge of no valid driver’s license.
Miner, Jeremy
L., 26, of Lincoln, arrested Jan. 17 in the 400 block of State
Street on charge of possession of controlled subsutance.
Parke, Anthony
J., 47, of Lincoln, arrested Jan. 16 in the 1300 block of Fifth
Street on Logan County warrant for failure to appear in answer
to charge of driving with a suspended license.
Parke, Anthony
J., 47, of Lincoln, arrested Jan. 18 in the 300 block of Fifth
Street on charges of aggravated assault and possession of
controlled substance.
Taylor, Amy G.,
41, of Farmersburg, Indiana, arrested Jan. 18 on Forest Hills
Drive on charges of leaving the scene of an accident and failure
to give information after striking property.
Wichman, Clint
R., 26, of Lincoln, arrested Jan. 17 on Woodlawn Road at College
Street on charge of reckless driving.
Atlanta Police, Elkhart, Illinois Department of Natural Resources,
Illinois State Police, Logan County Sheriff's Department, Mount
Pulaski, San Jose,
No arrest reports.
The public is reminded that anyone is presumed innocent until
charges are proven in a court of law.
Other recent police