From Noon to 1 p.m. Friday, July 10, at Holland
Barry & Bennett Funeral Home in Lincoln
1 p.m. Friday, also at the funeral home
Funeral home: Holland Barry & Bennett Funeral
Helen I. Duginger Cecil passed away July 3, 2015
in Lincoln, IL.
Helen was born April 24, 1914 to Julius and
Katherine LaForge Duginger in rural New Holland, IL.
She graduated from New Holland High School in 1931
and was the last surviving member of her class when
she attended her Alumni Banquet on June 9th. She
married George Cecil on October 31, 1937 in
Missouri. They were married 44 years. Preceding her
in death were her husband George, one brother
Garrett, her sister Bonnie Duginger Gambrel, brother
in law Paul Gambrel, daughter Julia Cecil
Loeffelholz (Dan) and grandson George Loeffelholz.
Surviving are her children: Richard Cecil, Nana
Cecil Papesch (Joe), Bonnie Cecil Farmer, Thomas
Cecil (Susie) and Elaine Cecil Carlile; 14
gradchildren, 25 great grandchildren, and niece
Vicky Klokkenga (Ron).
Helen was employed at ALMH for 20 years. After
retiring, she volunteered at The Pink Shutter. She
was a past Senior Regent of the Moose, Past Worthy
High Priestess of Abraham Shrine 100 of the White
Shrine of Jerusalem and a member of the Eastern
Star. Helen was a member of the First United
Methodist Church. |

Visitation will be from 12 Noon until 1:00 p.m. Friday, July 10,
2015 at Holland Barry & Bennett Funeral Home in Lincoln. Funeral
services will be at 1:00 p.m. Friday, also at the funeral home, with
Pastor Tami Werschey-Kessinger officiating. Burial will follow in
Zion Cemetery, Lincoln.
In lieu of flowers, memorials can be made to Meals on Wheels and/or
Abraham Shrine 100 and will be accepted at the funeral home.
Click here to send a note of condolence to the
family of Helen Cecil |