Silly Safaris presenter Lemur Levi had the excited
kids in the palm of his hand with the wide array of animals that
accompanied him to the library from his home-base in Indiana. Levi
even brought his English Bulldog, Olive, along.
This is the second year in a row for Silly Safaris at the library,
and it is easy to see why. Lemur Levi knows his animals and gave the
young readers a lesson on each one. The kids hung on every word, and
Levi did not disappoint with his knowledge and humorous delivery.
This is the fourth week for the Lincoln Public Library summer
reading program, “Read to the Rhythm.” There are two weeks remaining
for the Thursday morning programs. Contact Melissa Oxborrow at the
Lincoln Public Library Youth Services Department for information on
the next program, or for any questions on the numerous upcoming
events for young readers. The phone number is 732-5732.
[Curt Fox] |
