Present: Pat O’Neill; Emily Davenport; Kevin Bateman; David
Blankenship; Gene Rohlfs; Dave Hepler
Guests: See attached sheet. (not provided on website)
Mr. O’Neill called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Blankenship, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to
approve the minutes from the February 4, 2015 meeting as printed.
Motion passed.
Old Business:
M-3 Zoning Revisions:
Mr. D’Andrea reported tonight Regional Planning will be discussing
the proposed changes that the County Board suggested and tomorrow
night ZBA will hold a public hearing regarding the changes.
Zoning Ordinance Revisions: Nothing to report.

Wind Farm:
Mr. Leonard presented the committee with information regarding
turbine maintenance. Mr. Bateman suggested everyone get on to watch some videos on decommissioning. Discussion held
regarding decommissioning. Extended discussion regarding the
County’s role in decommissioning. The committee had extensive
discussion regarding timing of when the applicant needs satisfy all
the approval criteria. The discussion range from must comply with
all criteria when apply to acceptable to receive all documents and
agreements addressing all criteria after the board approval. But
permits will not be issued until all conditions of the approval are
complete and satisfied.
Mrs. Muck suggested the ordinance be clear cut so businesses coming
to town know what the requirements will be before investing
significant money in a project.
Mr. Hepler would like to add ordinances requiring grain elevators to
decommission grain bins once they are not being used. Mr. Hepler
asked the committee to consider the elevator question.
[to top of second column] |

New Business:
Theme Park Location: Nothing to report.
Roller Derby Location: Nothing to report.
Adult Entertainment Ordinance: Nothing to report.
Zoning Officer’s Report: Nothing to report.
Public comments: (Left blank on website)
Communications: None
A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mrs. Davenport, to
approve the bills. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mrs. .Davenport, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:30 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]
