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To Ward 3 Citizens and Citizens of Lincoln, IL:
I am writing this letter to you with my recommendation, support, and
endorsement for Aldermanic Ward 3 candidate, Wanda Lee Rohlfs, in
the election on February 24, 2015. I have known Wanda Lee for over
40 years and had the privilege of serving with her four years during
my administration. During her time as Alderman, Wanda Lee chaired
four committees, vice-chaired four committees, and served on 12
committees plus various commissions in an effort to lead, promote,
and serve the citizens of Lincoln, Illinois. She served seven years
as executive director of Main Street Lincoln, and numerous Lincoln,
Illinois/Logan County commissions, and continues to stay active in
promoting Lincoln and Logan County in a fiscally responsible way.
I do not know the other candidate for Ward 3 Alderman. But I do know
Wanda Lee and observed for myself how she has conducted herself
professionally and diligently for the citizens she represented.
During her term of office, Wanda Lee demonstrated unwavering
interest, follow-up, and accountability in every project, issue, or
committee she was assigned to chair, vice-chair, or serve. She
looked at all angles of an issue, interviewed people, and researched
her subject most thoroughly before acting on the issue within her
capacity or bringing it forward to the city council for full
discussion and an informed vote on the city council floor.

Every public body needs a watchdog and honest public officials
leading their community and managing their taxpayer funds. Wanda Lee
is just that. She has taken her own time to monitor the present
administration and city council’s actions in its accelerated
spending of funds for questionable use and depletion of taxpayers’
money. I’ve always believed in “taxation with representation” and if
Wanda Lee, a few city officials, and some members of the press
hadn’t brought up the issues of spending at city hall running amuck,
the citizens in this community would not know about inappropriate
changes adopted with minimal public input and disregard for the
opinions of many: circumventing an aldermanic form of government
while gradually and quietly moving to a mayoral/city
administrator-dominated regime with minimized representation by the
aldermen for their respective wards within the city of Lincoln. The
ten city council committees, established by ordinance decades ago,
have been abolished by the current administration, further
diminishing the role of the city council in representing its
Citizens are now instructed to contact the city administrator with
their issues and concerns, no longer contacting their respective
Ward aldermen to deal with their own Ward issues. Aldermen are also
instructed to refer the concerns of their constituents to the city
administrator, rather than talking directly to the department heads
who can further explore and help resolve the citizens’ issues.
[to top of second column in this letter] |

What has happened to the human touch of elected officials talking
with the people they represent?
Monetary expenditures of any type should be approved via roll call
with a 2/3 vote, but now substantial expenditures -- some in excess
of $200,000, are buried within the “payment of bills” on the city
council “consent agenda.” No discussion or very minimal discussion
is encouraged or occurs prior to a vote spending taxpayers’ money.
Where did adherence to the IL Open Meetings Act go? This new city
practice is not constituent-oriented nor transparent for the
citizens of Lincoln to know where their money is being spent, nor
allowing aldermen to do their jobs as they were elected to do.
Wanda Lee is doing her job as a citizen, a former Alderman, and as a
current candidate for Ward 3 Alderman. She is watching out for the
citizens of this city and publicly noting when council votes and
decisions for spending citizens’ money are not made appropriately,
nor discussed or explained clearly enough prior to the “consent”
vote of the city council.
I, myself, am wondering where the city of Lincoln is coming up with
all the big chunks of money it has consistently been promising to
vaguely-defined entities where no concrete facts are provided for
its use; where non-elected members of these groups are voting on and
ear-marking for city expenditure; clandestine use, and ill-defined
line items in the budget are adhered to in order to fund all of
these questionable taxpayer expenditures. The city of Lincoln most
definitely needs to be transparent in its income and expenses in
order to be accountable to its citizens. Again, adherence to the IL
Open Meetings Act is being ignored. There is only so much money to
go around. If city funds are spent on only one or two sectors within
the city, all remaining sectors of the city will be ignored until
new fusions of fiscal year monies are received, if not already
earmarked elsewhere. What projects are listed on the city’s
five-year plan? Are your concerns being heard? Are all citizens and
businesses of Lincoln, IL being fairly represented?
Lincoln needs to act responsibly and elect leadership who will stand
up for you and your families; someone who will work with the current
aldermen and public officials trying to do the best for you, the
Citizens of Lincoln. Wanda Lee Rohlfs is that person. Ward 3
Citizens: Please make time to vote election day, February 24, 2015,
and vote for an alderman who will fight for your rights and fight
hard for you to make the Lincoln City Council and its newly-created
spin-off, not-for-profit groups, transparent and accountable to you.
Please vote for Wanda Lee Rohlfs.
Thank you for your time.
Elizabeth A. Davis-Kavelman,
Mayor, City of Lincoln, IL
May 1, 2001-May 1, 2009 [Posted
February 20,
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