Present: Jan Schumacher; Andy Anderson; Kevin Bateman; Dave
Blankenship; Scott Schaffenacker; Pat O’Neill; Dave Hepler
Mrs. Schumacher called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Blankenship, to
approve the minutes from the March 10, 2015 meeting as printed.
Motion passed
Old Business:
Public Transportation:
Mrs. Schumacher and Alison from Community Action met. Mrs.
Schumacher and Alison are putting some ideas together to help the
program grow. Mrs. Schumacher hopes to have the ideas put together
before next month’s meeting.
The committee talked about changing the name of LMPT.
Sports/event tourism-airport events:
Mr. Bateman talked to Lorrie Paige at Bee’s Floral and RC Airplanes
about putting on an event this year. However, it’s too late to get
an event put together this year. Mr. Bateman wants the executive
committee to be the steering committee of this event. Mr. Bateman
asked Ms. Paige if she could put down a temporary track at the
airport for this event.
 Mrs. Schumacher feels the first step is to pick a date for the
Mr. Bateman feels remote control cars and paragliders should be on
the same weekend as the BBQ event. This will give out of town people
something to do all day.
Mr. Anderson feels we can’t pick a date yet. The committee would
like to talk to the Paiges before picking a date.
Mr. Bateman would not like to have an entrance fee. Mr. Bateman will
talk to Paiges about dates for the event. After the committee gets a
date then they will go to the Airport Committee to make sure that
day is available.
The Airport will need to talk to the FFA to make sure they are okay
with the event.
Keep on the agenda.
Mrs. Schumacher reported the Health Department plans to go with MCS
for their website. Mrs. Schumacher’s goal is to have a proposal by
the May meeting to show the committee who offers what services.
Voting via telephone: Keep on the agenda.
Insurance administration:
Mrs. Meagher plans to show Mrs. Freese how the insurance role works.
Vision/purpose statement: Nothing to report.
College application: Nothing to report.
[to top of second column] |

New Business Recommendations to governor:
Mrs. Schumacher contacted UCCI to see what information they have.
Mike McCreery e-mailed Mrs. Schumacher some information and she
passed the information out to the committee.
Mr. O’Neill is in favor of school consolidations in Logan County.
Mr. O’Neill would like to make the recommendation to the governor
about the school system.
Confidentiality of Board Information: Nothing to report.
Verification of Voucher:
Mr. Anderson reported he would like the secretaries to sign off on
each other’s time sheets.
Mr. Bateman would like the secretaries to e-mail the county board
members that they are taking time off.
Mr. Anderson will come in every Friday to sign the secretaries’
time-off sheets.
Mrs. Schumacher wants to put wording in the Personnel manual
regarding Per Diem. The committee wants check and balances for the
County Board members when they go to meetings that are not county
board meetings.
Wi-Fi at Courthouse:
Mr. Anderson reported the Courthouse has Wi-Fi. The committee was
upset that the board did not know there was Wi-Fi at the Courthouse.
The committee asked who paid for the Wi-Fi but no one can answer
that question.
Mr. O’Neill wants microphones for the courtrooms.
Mrs. Schumacher plans to e-mail Mr. Wright about the audio system in
the courtrooms. Mr. Anderson wants to make sure public comments are
on all the agendas.

Chuck Conzo e-mailed Mr. Bateman about using the Rotunda on May 16
to serve refreshments after the ribbon cutting for the Abraham
Lincoln Statue.
The committee discussed what the statue will look like.
A motion was made by Mr. Schaffenacker, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:50 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website] |