Rev. Kenneth D. Kramer, newly called minister at St.
John United Church of Christ in Lincoln, will assume
his duties there at the beginning of August.
He will preach his first sermon as the
congregation’s pastor at the 9 a.m. service on
Sunday, Aug. 2. The public is welcome. Following
worship, a brunch will be held to celebrate Rev.
Kramer’s coming to the church and to Lincoln.
“I’m excited,” said Gary Atteberry, chair of the St.
John pastoral search committee. “I think that Rev.
Kramer is someone that can move the church forward.”
Church Council member Carolyn Pech added, “I feel
the same way. I’m excited to get him here and get on
with our mission.”
Rev. Kramer is currently serving as Intentional
Interim Pastor of Salem Evangelical United Church of
Christ in Quincy, IL. He was ordained in 1980 by his
father, the Rev. Kenneth Kramer, Sr., at St. John’s
UCC in Belvidere, IL, and has since served the
United Church of Christ in both called and interim

He holds a bachelor’s degree in history
education from Northern Illinois University in
DeKalb and a master’s of divinity from Eden
Theological Seminary in St. Louis.
Norma Kramer, the wife of Pastor Kramer, is a
Licensed Clinical Social Worker employed by
Carbondale Memorial Hospital as a case
worker/discharge planner. Prior to moving to
Lincoln, the Kramers have made their home in Marion,
IL. Both like to read, see a good movie, travel and
spend time with friends. He also enjoys being a part
of the wider United Church of Christ. |