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108 E. Prairie St., Broadwell, IL
Friday, June 12 and Saturday, June 13
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Misc. shop tools, electric tools (1/2” drill, impact,
grinder), air impact, old metal letter & number stamp set, misc.
sized tool boxes, chain saws, fishing poles.
Plants: annual, perennial and garden.
Housewares: dishes, decorations, clothes, books.
To much to list.
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Garage Sale
7 Houser Court
Fri,. June 12, 8-7
Sat., June 13, 8-1
All proceeds go to the Relay for Life of Logan
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Logan County Genealogical & Historical
Society 114 N. Chicago St.
Fri. 6/12, 8-5
Sat. 6/13, 8-2
Lincoln Lakes photographs; framed pictures; antique multiplying
monkey; arm style school desk; native American doll; Brooks
Catsup & Grape Maiden posters; Jim Shore hot air balloon;
yearbooks from 1914; city directories; This Is My Story veterans
book, Vol. 2; chargers and cords; Caterpillar toys; décor;
books; genealogical items; cardboard file drawer set; metal file
box; linens; rugs; more arriving daily.
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Moving and Garage Sale
26 Northbrooke Ct. Lincoln
Saturday June
13th, 8am til 4 pm
You want it? Make an offer!
Mens clothes size xxl, Women's clothes size L, Women's
shoes size 10-11, kids clothes, entertainment center, speakers,
lay z boy, Linens and kitchen items, Electronics, books, video
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3 Family Garage Sale
1611 Pulaski Street
Friday, June 12, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Saturday, June 13, 8 a.m. - ?
Household items, holiday items, big variety,
lots of misc.
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612 College Avenue
Thursday, June 11, 4pm to 7pm
Friday, June 12, 10am to 7pm
Saturday, June 13, 8am to 3pm
Antique desk, chairs, tables and furniture, household goods and
furnishings, guardian service pots, dept 56 christmas
decorations, christmas items, duck unlimited paintings, misc.
paintings, baby items and lots more.
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Garage Sale
Tiffany Ave, (Epperson Edition)
Jun 12, 7:00am to 5:00pm
$350, Auger $125, Keurig, Mini Dorm Frig, Junior Clothes,
Bridesmaid Dress, Mother of Bride Dress, Leather Jacket,
Landscape Stones, Rocking Chair, Much More
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