Lincoln Community Theatre was born in the spring of 1972. An idea
for a Community Theatre had been in the minds of several local
residents for some time, and with the Lincoln College presentation
of an original play, “Mrs. President,” financing was available. All
the proceeds from that show were earmarked for the establishment of
a non-professional theatre in Lincoln.
Plans followed for the presentation of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie
Brown” and “Bus Stop,” directed by Alan Tidaback and Neil Newlon. A
call then went out to the community for people to help in bringing
this dream into reality and to assist in the summer of 1972 shows.
About 25 people attended the first meeting, and a Board was formed
with Darrell Klink as President. Other excited volunteers included
Carolyn Miller, Jean Dougherty, Dan Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Davenport, Jeanne Handlin, Greg McFail, Ann Doolen, Jan Ulrich, Barb
Becker, Jane Frantz, Joyce Kinzie, Gary Maxey, Nancy Prisk, Saunders
Devine, Jean Gosset, and Cynthia Klink. J.Richard Stoltz was
President of Lincoln College and a strong supporter of LCT.
 The first unincorporated season with “Charlie Brown” and “Bus Stop”
was backed by Lincoln College who agreed to underwrite any expenses
that the group was unable to pay. Happily, the season was a great
success, and, at its close, Lincoln Community Theatre’s books were
in the black; all bills paid, the College reimbursed, and a small
nest egg put away to begin another season!
In March of 1973, Lincoln Community Theatre was incorporated and its
first Board of Directors named. These member included Carolyn
Miller, K. David Hargrove, Jean Gossett, Dan Bailey, Beverly Cooper,
Joyce Kinzie, Jeanne Handlin, Jean Dougherty, Alan Tidaback, Jane
Frantz, Jan Ulrich, Ann Doolen, and J. Richard Stoltz, with D.
Brewster Parker and Neil Newlon representing Lincoln College.
Since its inception, LCT has grown and changed. For many seasons
three shows were presented in the summer at the Lincoln College
Johnston Center for Performing Arts.
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The current board includes Tim Searby, Holly Woodhall, Brittney McLaughlin, Dan
Bailey, Jean Gossett, Steve Schreiber, Nancy Schaub, Roger Boss, Tom McLaughlin,
Margie Sheley, Teri Fink and Carolyn Schreiber.
LCT has been on hiatus for a few years, and the board is making every effort to
bring this great organization back to its glory. On July 17, 18 & 19, 2015, at
Johnston Center for Performing Arts, “LCT an ENCORE!” will be presented. This
production will feature great musical numbers from Broadway, many of which have
appeared on the LCT stage, performed by a great cast from Lincoln, Logan County
and beyond.
This production is presented to generate excitement and gather workers to help
bring LCT to a vibrant and exciting family that love being involved in the
beauty of theatre. There will be no charge to experience this great production;
however, each patron will have the opportunity to contribute to this charitable
organization to help ensure that two productions can be presented next summer.
Please visit the website or contact Tim Searby at
[Tim Searby]