Present: Kevin Bateman; David Hepler; Andy Anderson; Chuck Ruben;
Jan Schumacher
Absent: Emily Davenport
Guests: Julie Parker; Kelly Cale; Lisa Conley
Mr. Bateman called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mr. Anderson to approve
the minutes from November 12, 2014 as printed. Motion passed.
Old Business:
Ordinance Revisions:
Mrs. Parker realized the copy the committee has is not the
correct copy. Mrs. Parker needs to make some changes to the
ordinance to include Mr. Wright’s recommendations. Mrs. Parker will
work on the ordinance revisions tomorrow and get a copy to Mrs.
Freese for the Workshop sessions.

New Business:
Christmas Eve Schedule:
Animal Control will follow the Courthouse holiday schedule.
LO 14-15 05-Appointment-Warden:
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to
approve this appointment. Motion passed.
LO 14-15 06-Appointment-Assistants Warden:
A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Anderson,
to approve this appointment.
Time Clock: Animal Control time clock has not worked for
several years. Mr. Bateman would like to purchase a working time
clock. Mr. Bateman will go to Office Depot in Springfield, IL to
purchase the time clock.
End of New Business
[to top of second column] |

Administrator/Warden’s report:
Mrs. Parker reported about a citizen who has had an issue with a
neighbor’s lose dog for 3 years. He has called twice this year to
report the issue. Mrs. Parker has instructed him to call dispatch.
Mrs. Parker had a report of a dog eating some chickens. Nothing
further to report.
Mr. Ruben reported Animal Control budget is over budget for the
year. Mr. Ruben reported they could do a budget amendment. Not
action was taken at this time.
Mr. Bateman reported they are still working on some small
maintenance projects. The MITEL phone is not working properly; Mr.
Bateman received a quote from Janice from Frontier and hopes to get
the problem resolved quickly.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to pay the
bills as presented for payment. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:23pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]
