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To the editor:
Regarding LDN’s recent Perspectives Articles such
as “Radicalized Terror” and “Radical Choices,” I am becoming
frustrated and disgusted with the escalating rhetoric filled with
hyperbolic assertions and false dialectical contrasts between
Christians and Muslims which are bordering on Xenophobia in our
community paper.
I agree with Dr Killebrew that “The terror is real; the terror is
deadly, and it needs to be identified for what and who it is.”
However I strongly disagree with his approach and LDN’s
irresponsible uncritical publication of factually suspect material.
Dr. Killebrew’s rhetorical style is to blend Christian Scriptural
References with language that is often Anti-Muslim (a heterogenic
people group) rather than Anti-Islam (a religion/philosophy with
several schools of belief). He repeatedly makes bizarre, conspiracy
laden assertions implying that Islamic philosophy/law/belief will
take over our culture due to increasing secularism (two very
different philosophies which aren’t very compatible).

In recent months the Perspectives series has alternately argued that
a vast liberal conspiracy between media and the Obama administration
will somehow bring both about a secular humanist takeover and a
hyper-conservative Sharia-based Caliphate (???) . I am disappointed
that LDNs continues to publish comments such as “The American media
cannot be taken off the hook for trying to deny the facts of the
attacks” that “Radical Islamic terrorists…are connected to the
larger terrorist network being carried out all over the world by
ISIS, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, and the Palestinian state” a factually false
narrative (as if all Major news outlets did not identify recent
terror attacks with their ideological community) without fact
[to top of second column in this letter] |

As a Christian I am most frustrated with his continued poor
exegetical practice of blending Scripture to support his anti-muslim
(people created in God’s Image in Orthodox Christian doctrine)
tirades. I am struck by the contrast with Jesus’s instructions to a
Jewish community heavily oppressed by Roman Occupiers (who actually
were in power) that when a Roman Soldier oppressed them by demanding
they carry his gear for a mile, that they should do so for two, a
directive both demonstrating love to the oppressor and embracing the
liberty to choose our actions given by God, not by the (Roman)
government. In Christian Scriptures and varied Christian traditions
is generally believed that God is in essence love, and that the
greatest commandments are to Love the Lord but equal to that is a
command to Love your neighbor. I encourage LDN and Dr. Killebrew to
consider how the current rhetorical approach is communicating this
basic Christian truth if the Perspectives section is to be a
Christian Perspective. While in his personal life Dr. Killebrew may
be very loving and servant minded, his Perspectives articles are
filled with anger, judgment and it is difficult to find the
“Perspective” of love towards others.
Lincoln may not have a large Muslim community, but the continued use
of Muslim people as a rhetorical device to attack the Presidential
Administration and oppositional media sources is irresponsible and
is shaping hearts and minds in many ways which are not the way of
Please LDN consider repurposing your Perspectives section to address
meaningful arguments in our lovely community. Stop propogating
Xenophobia, it won’t stop the terrorists.
Tara Samples, PhD, LCP
Lincoln IL [Posted
January 15,
Click here to send a note to the editor about this letter.