But she’s isn’t sure how much of a role humans have played.
For that, Curry says, she has been targeted by members of Congress in a new
version of McCarthyism.
“It’s ridiculous,” Curry said in a telephone interview Friday. “It’s just
Curry is one of seven climate scientists whose universities received a letter
from U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Arizona, the ranking Democrat on the House
Committee on Natural Resources. The letter last week questions their
impartiality and demands the schools provide Grijalva financial information
about the scientists.
“I write today because of concerns raised in a recent New York Times report,”
Grijalva said in the letters, “and documents I have received that highlight
potential conflicts of interest and failure to disclose corporate funding
sources in academic climate research.”
The New York Times reported that Wei-Hock “Willie” Soon of Harvard-Smithsonian
Center for Astrophysics failed to disclose $1.2 million in research funding from
fossil fuels sources such as ExxonMobil and the Southern Company. Soon has
claimed global warming can be explained, in part, by variations in the sun’s

Grijalva told the universities he wants responses by March 16.
“Absolutely, this letter is intimidation,” said Curry, who has testified many
times before Congress in her 33-year career, including last year in front of the
Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
“Whenever you testify, you are required to submit a financial disclosure,” Curry
told Watchdog.org. “All of us have complied with this. Now, in some cases,
decades after the testimony we are asked to submit all sorts of additional
financial information, including travel information. Exactly how is someone
‘bribed’ by accepting reimbursement for a trip?”
Curry isn’t the only one of the seven scientists who has lashed out at Grijalva.
Roger Pielke Jr., director of the Center for Science Technology Policy Research
at the University of Colorado, called the letter part of a political vendetta
against climate scientists who have questioned findings from colleagues, who
warn climate change poses an imminent danger to the planet.
“When ‘witch hunts’ are deemed legitimate in the context of popular causes, we
will have fully turned science into just another arena for the exercise of power
politics,” Pielke wrote on a blog post the day after the letters were sent. “The
result is a big loss for both science and politics.”
“It looks like I am up next for this ‘witch hunt,'” Curry said. “Roger Pielke
Jr.’s accusation of McCarthyism seems spot on to me.”
Watchdog.org sent an email to Grijalva’s office Monday morning asking for
comment, but we have yet to receive a response.
Curry says she has not received any improper payments from the fossil fuels
industry — or any other source.
“If someone sends me a million dollars, yeah, that’s another story,” Curry said
in a telephone interview. “But niggling about my travel, it’s just insane … On
the green side of it, there’s a whole lot more funding and a whole lot more
conflicts. So once you start opening the can of worms and looking at this on the
other side, I think it’s going to show up much worse.”

The controversy highlights an ongoing battle within the climate science
Some who say governments need to tackle climate change immediately and
aggressively have called colleagues who question them “climate deniers;” the
more skeptical have responded by calling opponents “climate alarmists.”
[to top of second column] |
 Climate scientist Michael Mann, who has appeared at political
events supporting candidates calling for the U.S. government to act
more forcefully, said in 2011, “I gave up on Judith Curry a while
ago. I don’t know what she thinks she’s doing, but it’s not helping
the cause.”
“It’s just a ludicrous situation when independent thought on this
subject and speaking out publicly is not allowed to happen,” Curry
said. “Certain people are going to be labeled as deniers and, for
scientists, that’s a very sad state of affairs. And it’s not (just)
politicians, it’s other scientists that label me as a denier.
“I’m an independent thinker,” Curry said. “I’m not going to spout
other people’s judgments. I’m going to look at the evidence myself
and draw my own conclusions and assessments about uncertainty, and
that’s what the job of a scientist is.”
The American Meteorological Society sent its own letter to
Grijalva on Friday.
“Publicly singling out specific researchers based on perspectives
they have expressed and implying a failure to appropriately disclose
funding sources — and thereby questioning their scientific integrity
— sends a chilling message to all academic researchers,” the group
“As researchers we are subject to many, many peer reviews,” Paul
Chinowsky, head of the Boulder Faculty Assembly, told the Boulder
(Colorado) Daily Camera. “The whole concept of academic freedom is
research without influence. So, we have to ask: Is this an
investigation because of sound questions of science? Or is this an
investigation because of political agenda?”
Even some climate scientists who have disagreed with the seven
scientists complained.

Eric Steig, a professor of earth and space science at the University
of Washington, said Pielke has made “provocative and uninformed”
comments “and it’s safe to say he’s not very popular among
mainstream scientists,” Steig told the Daily Camera. “That’s all the
more reason to speak up when it appears Congress may well be abusing
its power.”
Curry worries about what message the congressional letter sends to
younger scientists.
Just nine days before the Grijalva letters were sent, Curry posted a
letter on her blog from a Ph.D. student who complained about
“massive group think” among climate academics that frustrated him so
much that he left the field to work in finance.
“That’s what my big concern is,” Curry said. “The best minds are not
attracted to a field like this … People are leaving the field
because of this craziness.”
The seven climate scientists aren’t the only ones hearing from
Democrats in Congress.
Just one day after Grijalva sent his letters, Sens. Ed Markey,
D-Mass., Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., on
the Senate’s Committee on Environment and Public Works, sent letters
to free-market think tanks and energy companies asking them to turn
over funding records related to any research they’ve conducted on
climate change.
“Corporate special interests shouldn’t be able to secretly peddle
the best junk science money can buy,” Markey said in a statement.
“This is clearly an attempt to intimidate anyone who has a different
opinion on the issue than theirs,” Hans von Spakovsky, a former
commissioner on the Federal Election Commission, told Matt Kittle of
Watchdog.org. ”This is an abuse of power. Maybe these senators don’t
understand or don’t care about the fundamental First Amendment
rights of Americans and their membership organizations.”
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