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To the editor:What is it about Logan County?
1. In the mid-80's, the Logan County received a request to place a
nuclear waste dump here. After study by some citizens, petitions
started being circulated. We presented those petitions to the County
Board. One board member figuratively patted me on the head and said
not be so emotional about our concerns. Thankfully, Marshall County
was the "lucky winner". That settled that!
But who puts out the word that Logan County is up for sale to

2. Recently, Viper Mine presented a plan to dump their fly ash near
beautiful, historic Elkhart hill, using acreage sold by an absentee
landlord who apparently didn't care about losing more prime farmland
in Logan County. The ploy that Viper would lay off its employees if
it didn't get it's way was bogus. They invested in a new facility
just across the county line and the auger system that runs next to
I-55. They weren't going anywhere. Why didn't they dispose their fly
ash in Sangamon County since their taxes also go to Sangamon County?
Because the Sangamon County Board wouldn't have accepted it! So it
ends up in Logan County!
[to top of second column in this letter] |

3. Now there are plans to place 80 wind turbines, north to south,
across Logan County, eating up some 7000 more acres of rich, black
prime farmland. We have the best farmland in the world right here in
Logan County. Farmers feed the world! People feel uninformed. They
feel they have had no chance to rebut the proposal. They feel their
opinions fall on deaf ears. How long has the county board known
about this proposal?
At the next "public" meeting of the Zoning Board, the public is not
even allowed to speak! What is the rush to decision? Why do our
county board members seem to turn their backs on the citizens who
elected them to represent them? Why do the corporations seem to
always prevail? What happened to "of the people, by the people and
for the people"? What is it about Logan County?
Thank you,
Rebecca Drake [Posted
January 1,
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