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To the editor:I am writing in response to Mr. Killebrew’s recent
article on “Denying the Obvious” which calls for “facing the truth”
about the danger of “repeated calls for Islamic groups in America to
elevate Sharia law over the Constitutional law of American
jurisprudence.” He begins the piece by highlighting the incidence of
Muslim Chaplains praying in the US House of Representatives and less
than subtly infers that such occurrences place all Americans in
danger from ISIL or ISIS extremist actions that are currently being
perpetrated abroad. I encourage LDN and its editorial section to be
more thoughtful and intellectually honest before publishing such
partisan and prejudicial non-sense. Mr. Killebrew’s argument
suggests that the practice of Islam by Muslim peoples are dangerous
to our society by virtue of equating them to the horrible actions
perpetrated by the participants of the same faith.

I wonder how Mr. Killebrew would feel if adherents to Christianity
in Lincoln, IL were equated as dangerous due to actions on the part
of other Christians? Should Christians in Lincoln be considered in
light of the actions of Episcopal and Catholic Priests and Nuns
implicated in participation in the Rwandan Genocide, Presbyterian
and Methodists soldiers in the Nazi Army, or of 17th and 18th
century European-American Missionaries who spread measles and
smallpox through blankets to Native Americans? Would he consider it
fair for others to view all local church members as dangerous to
children after a elder or deacon (or two) were convicted of child
abuse? I am sure he would respond that such overextensions and
illogical conclusions would be ridiculous, and he would be right.
Such debate tactics are also ridiculous when applied to our Muslim
neighbors. Mr. Killebrew is fond of quoting Scripture in his
articles and should be familiar with the verse that states “The
measure you use shall be used against you.”
I too am a Christian, and do not embrace Islamic faith principles,
but I do embrace Muslim people as Christ first embraced me,
therefore I refused to mischaracterize or exaggerate their
individual expressions of their faith and will oppose others who do
so in the name of truth. I live in a country where freedom of
religion is a founding Constitutional principle, and I celebrate
that I can freely chose Christ and that they can freely chose other
faith practices. I invite LDN’s editorial section to join me in
celebrating this constitutional right by examining its publication
practices on such topics not for “political correctness” but for
[to top of second column in this letter] |

I want to state that all Christians do not believe that hyperbolic
rhetoric and talking points from Faux News are representative of our
faith, though I can understand why my Muslim friends and
acquaintances might begin to believe differently. I further propose
that if Mr. Killebrew’s true concern is combating the minority of
extremists here and abroad, he should stop exaggerating the truth of
the young Muslim’s plight, and begin by building relationships with
vulnerable individuals especially teenagers, and combating their
vulnerability to the gang-like community offered by ISIS and its
counterparts. Strong sociological and psychological research
suggests such groups are attractive to children and teenagers who
are isolated, marginalized and treated prejudicially.
Mischaracterization and hyperbolic exaggeration in the media only
feed that recruitment mill. If he is truly concerned about Sharia
law being imposed on local and national processes, I offer to join
him in opposing that the first time it becomes an issue in Lincoln,
or even in Illinois law, but I suspect it will be a while till we
picket and protest together as I am not aware of any such plans in
the making on a local, state or even national level. Stating
something is a danger doesn’t make it so. However it does create a
hostile environment that shuts down actual dialogue and
relationships (on individual and community levels), the real avenues
for change.

I respectfully request that the editorial section of the LDNs
thoughtfully consider attention to the more relevant difficulties
facing our beautiful town. There are many dangers, inequalities,
injustices and opportunities for change which deserve attention much
closer to home and the editorial space of the LDN is wasting
opportunity for meaningful impact by publishing pieces that simply
echo national pseudo-news. If I wish to hear partisan talking
points, I will watch cable news.
Tara C Samples, Ph.D., LCP [Posted
November 21, 2014]
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